Difference between revisions of "Jason Write"

324 bytes removed ,  2 years ago
Reworded a little to put it in universe
(Reworded a little to put it in universe)
=== Later Years & Death===
During the events of Cytonic, Spensa watches a series of memories from ancient cytonics.After Jason is featured in two, where it is revealed that after his's wife Lanna died, he created an AI based on her memories and personality. After learningLearning that AIs can start tocould develop emotions in the [[Nowhere]], he brought her orb in, hopesin hope to bring sapience to the Lanna-AI. After Jason's death, the recently turned sapient AI returned to the Nowhere, where - unable to cope with Jason's death - she replicated herself thousands of times to create the hive-mind of Delvers; beings opposed to change and greatly despising anything outside of the Nowhere.
In the second vision involving Jason, it is revealed that shortly after developing emotions, Jason suddenly died. This deeply hurt Lanna-AI. Without a coping mechanism and being left isolated in the Nowhere, Lanna-AI deleted all memories of Lanna and Jason and became the first of the current Delvers. She then replicated herself thousands of times to create the hive-mind of Delvers, opposed to change and greatly despising anything outside the Nowhere.
=== Legacy ===