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→‎Interludes: linkifying
m (→‎Part 1: Burdens: linkifying)
m (→‎Interludes: linkifying)
;Plot Summary
Syl is flying through the halls of Urithiru while Kaladin is still asleep. She comes across Cord, who is cooking and who gives Syl an offering. Syl takes note of Cord’s Shardplate, then gets distracted. She reflects on how she constantly has to force herself to not get distracted. Syl moves on to Kaladin’s quarters and thinks about how badly she wants to help him cope with his depression, something she struggled to understand. Soon a [[highstorm]] approaches and she asks the Stormfather if he can make her feel like Kaladin does. The Stormfather denies her this wish, insisting that she put Kaladin’s needs above her own.
After the storm has passed, she goes to Dalinar and makes the same request of him, asking him to strengthen the bond between her and Kaladin. Dalinar asks Syl what she knows of the powers of a [[Bondsmith]], and she explains that they can [[Connection|Connect]] things and indeed that it was this power of Connection that created both the [[Oathpact]] and the [[Nahel bond|Nahel bonds]] between human and spren. Dalinar too denies Syl’s request, but reassures her that she can help Kaladin even so.
{{Anchor|Interlude 2}}
* [[Sja-anat]] (point of view)
* [[Tumi|A touched Radiant spren]]
* [[Odium]]
* [[Nergaoul]] (mentioned only)
;Plot Summary
Sja-anat moves through the Kholinar palace, living on the edge between the [[Physical Realm|Physical]] and [[Cognitive Realm|Cognitive]] Realms. She thinks about how she is only able to keep a few chosen secrets from Odium. As she feels Odium approaching, she meets with two touched [[windspren]] (ones the humans would call "corrupted") and sends them away. This is intended to serve as a distraction for Odium: She also sends a touched radiantRadiant spren to Urithiru, to observe [[Mraize]] and then either bond with him or whomever else the spren chooses.
Shortly after, Odium arrives and questions Sja-anat on the spren she sent away. She keeps up a pretense of working for Odium, even though both know that she wants more freedom. Ultimately, Odium commands her to ignore Urithiru and instead observe Taravangian.
;Plot Summary
Taravangian has gathered his friends to tell them farewell in his chambers at Urithiru. Later that day, he would leave for Emul with Dalinar and Jasnah, while the rest of the [[Diagram (group)|Diagram]] would go back to [[Kharbranth]]. In Emul, Taravangian intends to have his armies betray the coalition, doing his part of the agreement with Odium. [[Jah Keved]] too will turn against the coalition at that time. He announces to his group that the Diagram has served its purpose and now has to be disbanded. Kharbranth is to distance itself from Taravangian's actions, so that the city may be able to stay out of the war. After his friends have left the room, Taravangian reassures himself that saving a single city was really all he could’ve done, and throws his copy of the [[Diagram (literature)|Diagram]] into the fire.
== Part 2: Our Calling ==