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Tense and capitalisation updates. It looks like most of this history section has been written in present instead of past tense and will need to have the tense changed eventually. If future history can please be written in past tense.
(→‎Appearance and Personality: Update description of hair color now that we know his mother, tweak other minor things)
(Tense and capitalisation updates. It looks like most of this history section has been written in present instead of past tense and will need to have the tense changed eventually. If future history can please be written in past tense.)
=== Personality ===
Adolin is incredibly loyal to his father, though he doesn't always see eye-to-eye with himDalinar and is very much unafraid to voice his opinions.{{book ref|sa1|24}} Despite his opposing views he remains steadfastly obedient, listening to his father and following the [[Alethi Codes of War]]{{book ref|sa1|22}} even if he does not necessarily believe in them or wish to obey them. He shows an unwillingness to become the highprince when Dalinar considers stepping aside in favor of him, still intensely loyal to his father.{{book ref|sa1|52}} His skepticism surrounding the Codes eventually changes and Adolin begins to understand their purpose. He grows to become a better leader as a result and at the same time he grows further away from the people he once considered to be friends.{{book ref|sa1|58}}
He deeply cares about his family and one of the few times Adolin admits to being frightened is seeing his father looking fragile and worn down.{{book ref|sa1|28}} Adolin even allows the four-on-one duel to continue when [[Relis Ruthar]] threatens to have [[Abrobadar]] "accidentally" kill [[Renarin]].{{book ref|sa2|56}} He is also quick to defend Renarin when [[Torol Sadeas|Sadeas]] insults his younger brother.{{book ref|sa1|15}} Adolin seems to have had a good relationship with his deceased mother as well, carrying a chain that once belonged to her for good luck during duels.{{book ref|sa2|14}}
==== Exploring Urithiru ====
Adolin takestook charge of the expedition of Urithiru, creating maps of the city. {{book ref|sa2|87}} Adolin and Shallan meetmet, and Shallan sayssaid she will not let her status as a Radiant because awkwardawkwardness between them. They kisskissed and Adolin promisespromised to stop being awkward if she stopsstoped being irresistible. When he leavesleft, he informsinformed her that Pattern has chosen her room and tellstold the guards that no one is to disturb her. {{book ref|sa2|88}}
While exploring, Adolin reflectsreflected on his relationship with Shallan and how it has changed with the revelation that she was a Radiant, which has shaken his sense of self. Getting too far ahead of the rest of his party, Adolin investigatesinvestigated some voices he hearsheard and stumblesstumbled across Sadeas with a scouting party of his own. Adolin remainsremained hidden until the others have left and triestried to sneak away but his boot scrapesscraped andthe floor, drawsdrawing Sadeas's attention. As the two talktalked, Sadeas revealsrevealed his plan to undermine Dalinar by saying the KholinsKholin's had contacted the Parshendi and the two had put on a convincing show. Sadeas doesndidn't believe this but it iswas the lie he'll tell others.
[[File:WoR SH - Adolin.jpg|250px|thumb|right|<center><small>by [[User:Botanicaxu]]</small></center> Adolin killing [[Torol Sadeas|Sadeas]] ]]
Adolin asksasked Sadeas why he iswas the way he iswas and Sadeas tellstold Adolin that an army cannot have two generals and it hashad to be him or Dalinar who goesdisappeared. Adolin sayssaid it doesndidn't have to be that way, but Sadeas reiteratesreiterated that it must and that he willwould take everything Dalinar hashad. Adolin finally snapssnaped and attacksattacked Sadeas. The two wrestle and Adolin managesmanaged to stab Sadeas through the eye and into his brain with a knife, killing him. Adolin ditchesditched [[Oathbringer]], which materialized atas Sadeas's deathdied, out the window and into one of the planters. He cutscut his bloody cuffs off and eraseserased the chalk marks that indicated he had been in the vicinity. He returnsreturned to his scouting party and pretendspretended he had been with them the whole time. {{book ref|sa2|89}}
Adolin supervised the workforce that iswas unloading good intoat Urithiru. They use a huge room, 4four stories high, to become the new market place. His wrists were still hurting from the [[Battle of Narak]]. He iswas summoned by his father when Sadeas' body iswas discovered.{{book ref|sa3|2}} Adolin keepskeept quiet about his involvement and iswas put in charge of training the Alethi armies. Shortly after, he attendedsattended Dalinar's wedding.{{book ref|sa3|4}}
Adolin was very disturbed when a second murder happenshappened in exactly the same way a few days later. He iswas put in charge of the investigation by Dalinar.{{book ref|sa3|9}} During this time he also started teaching Shallan how to use her shardbladeShardblade.{{book ref|sa3|15}}
The Kholin lifestockcavalry isare housed on the groundfloorground floor of Urithiru with an outside field for [[Gallant]], Dalinar's Ryshadium. Adolin goeswent to visit the horse and talkstalked with imhim, as Dalinar isnhadn't been giving his attention to his mount. Adolin reminiscesreminisced about the good times he had with Sureblood. He iswas still mourning the loss of his Ryshadium. Renarin comescame by looking for Adolin. Renarin explained how he wantswanted to give his shardsShards back to Adolin as the sword screamsscreamd when he touchestouched it. The Kholin brothers talked about Renarin's emerginemerging Radiant powers. Renarin expressed his fear that he would hurt someone, which Adolin waves awaydismissed. In response Renarin healed Adolin's wrist.{{book ref|sa3|10}}
==== The Midnight Mother ====
When Shallan discovered where the [[Re-Shephir]] was hiding in Urithiru, she had Pattern find Adolin to accompany her. Adolin gathered a group of Bridge Four soldiers, including his brother Renarin, and led them down into the tower. When they came to a locked metal door, Adolin used his shardbladeShardblade to cut the lock and find a library filled with decayed books. Adolin ordered his men to retreat when they found Re-Shephir, standing at the front with Renarin to fight her with their shardblades. Initially he tried to convince Shallan to run away, but he trusted her judgement when she claimed to understand the spren and wanted to fight it. Adolin led the charge against Re-Shephir trusting that Shallan could defeat her.{{book ref|sa3|29}} After the battle, Adolin tried to convince Shallan to rest in the aftermath of the fight.{{book ref|sa3|32}}
==== Battle of Thaylen Field and Aftermath ====
|Adolin hearing [[Maya]] for the first time{{book ref|sa3|120}}
After he stepped through Honor's perpendicularityPerpendicularity, Renarin healed Adolin's wound. Not having gotten a specific task from Dalinar, Adolin decided to try and help the soldiers within the city. He teamed up with [[Kdralk]] to free navaniNavani on the wall and informinformed her of Elhokar's death. He then went to go help fight the [[thunderclast]]s. The fight withDuring the thunderclast is wherefight he first heard [[Maya]] speak to him, telling him her name and her approval of his actions. Adolin stopped to resucerescue a boy in a building during the fight. [[Hrdalm]] found him and helped distract the thunderclast by taking hits with his Shardplate. The thunderclast nearly killed him, but he managed to summon Maya in seven heartbeats instead of the usual ten, saving his life. Renarin found Adolin and forced him to leave because he didn't have Plate, so Adolin gave Maya to Hrdalm to temporarily use instead.{{book ref|sa3|120}} After the battle, he found Shallan to make sure she was all right. She was, and he offered to step aside for Shallan and Kaladin to be together. Shallan said she was choosing him instead.{{book ref|sa3|121}}
Soon after the battle, Dalinar approaches Adolin about becoming king of Alethkar, untilwith Gavinor isnamed ofas agehis heir. He refusesrefused and admitsadmited to Sadeas’s murder as a reason why. Adolin and Shallan decidedecided to quickly get married.{{book ref|sa3|122}}
== Relationships ==