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Szeth throws a badly beaten Adolin through one of the tents and Adolin lands near his father, most of his plate broken or cracked. Dalinar cradles Adolin as Szeth approaches and tells him to be a better man than he was and to not play the games of the other light eyes before getting up and approaching Szeth. Adolin tries to stop him but with so much of his plate broken he struggles to get up. He watches his father and Szeth fight and eventually manages to stand. Drehy and Skar help him remove his armour. Once it’s off he runs to save his father, who was knelt in defeat before Szeth, but [[Roion]] gets there before him and is lashed upwards to the sky by Szeth. Wearing no shardplate again Adolin engages Szeth. Dalinar and Adolin both rush Szeth, hoping to score a lucky blow, but Szeth flies out of the way. Szeth manages to land a hand on Dalinar in the fight and lashes him upwards into the storm. Crying Adolin beings to rush Szeth but the assassin points his [[Honorblade]] at Adolin and tells him it is finished and that he is done. Adolin moves to hit him but Szeth parries the blow, breaking Adolin’s wrist. He hits him in the chest, knocking the air from Adolin’s lungs, and says he can kill one more. Before Szeth can however Kaladin lands with Dalinar in his grasp, safe. {{book ref|wor|85}}
Kaladin chases after Szeth into the storm and Adolin, upon confirming Kaladin is one of the Knights Radiant, laughs and exclaims that he knew there was something wrong with the man. Dalinar sends Adolin to help organize the army’s move to Shallan’s plateau. When he gets to the plateau he meets up with Shallan and discovers she is a Radiant as well. They try using Adolin’s Shardblade to open the Oathgate but it doesn’t work and they instead use [[Pattern]] in his Shardblade form. They both use their weight to work the mechanism, pushing the blade around the circle until it stood above the picture of Urithiru. When Shallan removes Pattern from the slot the Oathgate activates. Once transported they discover the entire plateau was the portal. {{book ref|wor|86}}
== Family ==
