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It can be argued that Adolin is actually the most skilled duellist on the Shattered Plains given that he is both capable of winning a fight while hiding his true level of skill and being an even match against two men. Sadeas remarks that Adolin is growing into the Blackthorn, a man who conquered Alethkar with his skill and power, and that thought terrifies him. {{ref|b|sa2|c|58}}
== Trivia ==
*Adolin did not originally have a view point in the original draft for [[The Way of Kings]]. This was changed when Brandon shifted Dalinar’s doubts about his own sanity to his son. “I brought out [Dalinar’s] son, who hero worships his father, who could then say ‘my father is going mad. I love this man I have to protect him. But he’s also going mad what do I do?’” The external conflict between the two of them ended up making both Adolin and Dalinar stronger characters.<ref>[http://www.writingexcuses.com/2012/06/10/writing-excuses-7-24-project-in-depth-way-of-kings/ Writing Excuse 7.24: Project in Depth — Way of Kings]</ref>
== Notes ==
