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Kenton, a weak but skilled [[sand mastery|sand master]], is determined to run the Mastrell's Path in order to prove that he deserves the highest rank among the sand masters. His father, [[Taishin#The Lord Mastrell|Lord Mastrell]] [[Praxton]], objects strongly due to Kenton's lack of strength, and the two argue bitterly. Kenton has stubbornly refused advancement in the past, not wanting to settle for a lower rank that will prevent him from inciting change in the Diem. [[Undermastrell]] [[Elorin]] warns Kenton of the danger but permits him to test himself against the Path. Elorin explains how the challenge works: Kenton must make his way across the [[Kerla]] in a limited time and collect five red spheres along the way. He may bring only one [[qido]] of water with him. Praxton complains that Kenton should not be allowed to bring a sword, but Elorin allows it as it is not explicitly forbidden by the rules.
As he begins the Mastrell's Path, Kenton reflects on the day he was admitted into the Diem. Traiben displayed potential and Drile, son of [[Reenst Rile]], is mentioned as showing the most potential seen in years. They comment that it was a strong year of Recruits[[Diem#Organization|Recruit]]s until it is Kenton's turn. He displayed only the smallest measure of potential in sand mastery, a fact which embarrassed his father. He joined despite protests from his father that he should pursue another profession; as Kenton argues that the law says he cannot be prohibited from entering the Diem as an Acolent.
On the Mastrell's Path, Kenton collects the first two spheres quickly, and is ridiculed by the watching Mastrell's when he has to improvise climbing a cliff instead of soaring on the sand - a technique that helps him find the third, and most often missed, sphere. Kenton notices the discoloration of previously mastered sand to quickly locate the fourth sphere while he thinks about how he makes up for lack of power with his skill, precision, and speed.
