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Joel tries to convince Michael of the beauty of rithmatism even though he isn't a rithmatist. Rithmatism is a battle against drawn figures which require strategy, skill, and speed. Later that day Joel visits the rithmatic professor, Professor Fitch's classroom to deliver a note and finds himself witnessing a head to head rithmatic duel against Nalizar. professor Fitch fails and Nalizar takes his place as professor. Both Joel and Professor Fitch are in despair.
=== Chapter 2 ===
Diagram of 2 point and 4 point circles: [http://www.tor.com/images/stories/blogs/13_04/rithmatist3.png]
After witnessing a discouraging duel Joel goes to the office and stops by Exton and Florence, the office clerks. Florence is annoying Exton who is working when they start talking about how principal York was informed that Nalizar would duel with Fitch. Joel spilled the news that Nalizar was victorious and took Fitch's place. There is hope that in a year Fitch can overcome Nalizar and meanwhile teach Joel.
Chapter 3
Joel was bored to death in his math class because he knew everything. Professor Layton had discovered that Joel didn't do his homework, and after class he told Joel that because he had done only 9/40 assignments , he had to take summer tutelage for geometry. Layton was suspicious that Joel was cheating and when he immediately started completing his assignments in seconds he was assured.Joel was saved when he pointed out a mistake in Layton's drawing which impressed him. Joel didn't have to do tutelage and was told by Layton that Joel should've been a rithmatist.
=== Chapter 4 ===
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