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'''The Mistborn Adventure Game''' is a pen-and-paper RPG set on [[Scadrial]] at the same time as the events of the [[Mistborn trilogy]].{{ref|bws|brandon-sanderson-newsletter-for-november-2011|Brandon's newsletter - November 2011}}
==Rule Books==
The book is split into a number of central rule books, and some supplemental sections which expand the game to cover new areas. This summary discusses the rule books; the supplementary material are discussed on separate pages.
;[[Mistborn Adventure Game (rule book)|Mistborn Adventure Game]]: The core rulebook.
;[[Terris: Wrought of Copper]]: A supplement about the [[Terris]] people and the [[Terris Dominance]] during the Final Empire.
It contains a number of new stories and artwork from Scadrial, including art from both [[Ben McSweeney]] and [[Isaac Stewart]].
;[[Alloy of Law (supplement)|Alloy of Law]]: A supplement that updates the world and rules to the era depicted in [[Mistborn Adventures]]. Intruoduces the first rules for Twinborn and Compounding.
== Include ==
* Book 1 - Rulebook describing the major rules and how to play.
* Book 2, The Treatise Metallurgic - Provide extensive descriptions of the [[Metallic Arts]].
* Book 3, Always Another Secret - Explain how to Narrate the game.
== Supplementary Material ==
Editors, Keepers, Synod
