Difference between revisions of "Summary:The Sunlit Man"

→‎Chapter 7: some typos; other small fixes
(→‎Chapter 10: add summary text)
m (→‎Chapter 7: some typos; other small fixes)
;Plot Summary
Nomad shares observations about local meteorology with Aux. It dawns on him that his driver and the captured charredCharred share enough features to be related. When his driver makes contact with her base, Nomad finds he can understand, and learns her name usis Rebeke. The charredCharred is Elegy, and the redheaded man is TomasThomos. Rebeke's radio contact is Zeal. From other language cues, Nomad and Aux surmise that this planet is a Threnodite settlement. They arrive at base, whichanother hasflying ghostssettlement named Beacon. It is less put together than the Cinder King's city. Zeal, who is a little person, orders aid for Thomos, and tries to hand off Nomad to a splinteredtall Godfellow named [[Adonalsium-Will-Remember-Our-Plight-Eventually]]. Nomad, pretending he does not understand them, follows Zeal and Rebeke down the street to their meeting with the Greater Good.
They arrive at base, another flying settlement named Beacon. It is less put together than the Cinder King's city. Zeal, who is a little person, orders aid for Tomas, and tries to hand off Nomad to a tall fellow named [[Adonalsium-Will-Remember-Our-Plight-Eventually]]. Nomad, pretending he does not understand them, follows Zeal, Rebeke and the geowling Elegy to the Greater Good.
== Chapter 8 ==