Difference between revisions of "Coalition of monarchs"

→‎Politics: some tweaks
(cutting down on a few details in history)
m (→‎Politics: some tweaks)
Following the guidance of the [[Diagram (literature)|Diagram]], which he believes to be instructing him to take down Dalinar,'s Taravangianplace realizesat thatthe hehead mustof the coalition,{{book ref|sa3|i|5}} Taravangian taketakes action when it becomes clear that Dalinar will recover from his personal struggles inflicted by his returning memories. His [[Diagram (group)|group]] industriously collects historical research and present day secrets, turning them into incriminating evidence against Dalinar. They use the cultural and personal biases of each member nation to put together a collection of information designed to undermine their trust in Dalinar and the purpose of the coalition, then release the information so that it reaches each respective nation at the same time during the coalition's meeting in [[Thaylen City]].{{book ref|sa3|107}}{{book ref|sa3|111}}
[[Elhokar]] approaches Dalinar early on in his efforts to reach out to other nations and swears an oath to him that he will regard Dalinar as his highking. Dalinar reluctantlyis acceptsreluctant, knowingbut ithe woulddoes be best for him to assume the position and cede his role as highprince to [[Adolin]]accept.{{book ref|sa3|12}} He has Elhokar formalize the deal before leaving onto hisunlock mission tothe [[Kholinar]] Oathgate but, especially after the failure of their mission there, decides to wait to announce it until he has news of Elhokar and Adolin again following the failure of their mission.{{book ref|sa3|58}}{{book ref|sa3|104}} This delay gives Taravangian the opportunity to expose his knowledge of the incident as leverage against Dalinar. Though Dalinar insists thisit is an "internal Alethi matter," the news rings alarm bells for Queen Fen, whose primary fear in joining the coalition has been that it is a cover for the Alethi's plot to create a worldwide empire.{{book ref|sa3|34}}{{book ref|sa3|111}}
An acute worry of the Alethi is that whatever caused the [[Recreance]] could happen again.{{book ref|sa3|38}}{{book ref|sa3|56}} Though the Alethi for the most part trust Dalinar and his motives, it is a major blow to them to receive the translation of the [[Eila Stele]] and discover that the original [[Voidbringers]] were, in fact, human. This knowledge casts a shadow over the moral right they thought they had to fight a war against Odium in the first place. It kindles new fears, reiterated by Taravangian, that they could destroy Roshar with [[Surgebinding]] as they have already destroyed [[Ashyn]].{{book ref|sa3|111}}{{book ref|sa3|113}} The Alethi and the group from Jah Keved receive this same piece of news, a ploy designed to disguise for a while the fact that Taravangian is behind the information leaks.{{book ref|sa3|111}}