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(Created page with "{{lifeform |world=Lumar |universe=cosmere |featured=tress }} {{spoilers|mb7|tress}} {{quote |Crow is host to an aggressive strain of the verdant parasite. Your lore calls peop...")
The aether on the moons draws from a number of spore eaters spread around the world in order to obtain sufficient water. A spore eater must drink water to replenish what they lose to the aether. Additionally, it is also very painful to be a spore eater. The condition is progressive, and advanced spore eaters will find themselves drinking water with increasing frequency. Ultimately the need for water increases until it is unsustainable, and the spore eater becomes dehydrated and withers away before dying. Usually this process plays out in under a year or so, although a it can last longer.{{book ref|tress|28}}
|The aether protects itself by protecting her, but it’s rabid. Insatiable. Incapable of rational thought, it is sucking her dry. The affliction is progressive, taking more and more from its host. I’m told it is exceptionally painful, and it is always fatal.
|Ulaam on spore eaters{{book ref|tress|28}}
It is unclear whether the [[Luhel bond]] is involved in the creation of spore eaters.{{book ref|tress|28}} Water is being drawn from the host by the aether,{{book ref|tress|28}} but they are given very limited control over the aether that infests their body.{{book ref|tress|50}} The aether within a spore eater does not respond to the mental Commands of a spore eater in the way an aether would obey an aetherbound.{{book ref|mb7|39}} Instead they act to preserve the life of the host so they can continue draining water from them. Any threat that can potentially break the skin of the spore eater is considered to be a threat by the aether.{{book ref|tress|41}} The reaction time of the aether within a spore eater is incredibly quick, the vines of a verdant gestator can stop a bullet that a spore eater fires at their own head.{{book ref|tress|27}} A very practiced spore eater can control their aether enough to prevent it from emerging when they are in danger.{{book ref|tress|50}} While spore gestation is a challenging condition, in the early stages it does offer some benefits to the host. They are nearly impossible to kill with the aethers protecting them, however they are susceptible to capture or restraint if it does not represent a threat to the life of the spore eater.{{book ref|tress|41}} A spore eater that is already a capable combatant though is a serious threat that [[Investiture|non-Invested]] people could struggle to defeat without some other advantage.{{book ref|tress|32}}