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Affected Radiants that remain conscious are able to breathe in Stormlight and hold it in their bodies. It will continue to heal them,{{book ref|sa4|43}} although the internal healing effects diminish if the Sibling's corruption increases.{{book ref|sa4|61}}{{book ref|sa4|70}}{{book ref|sa4|109}} Spren that have a [[Nahel bond]] with a Radiant are pushed into the [[Cognitive Realm]] and enter a deep sleep-like state.{{book ref|sa4|39}} Radiants that are far enough in their [[Immortal Words|oaths]] are able to resist the effects, and their spren may be able to remain in the [[Physical Realm]] with some effort.{{book ref|sa4|14}}{{book ref|sa4|39}}{{book ref|sa4|40}}
If a [[singer]] is both a Radiant and a a Regal, they feel a "wall" that prevents the use of Stormlight,{{book ref|sa4|67}} but they are otherwise unaffected by the suppressor, even at the First Ideal.{{book ref|sa4|109}} Those using an Honorblade will still be able to Surgebind and summon their blade.{{book ref|sa4|102}}{{book ref|sa4|105}} [[Lift]], a unique Surgebinder who uses [[Lifelight]] instead of Stormlight, is unable to use [[Abrasion]]{{book ref|sa4|i|5}} and can only use [[Progression]] with great difficulty.{{book ref|sa4|85}} The reason that the fabrial seems to affect Lift when it is attuned to Stormlight is unclear.
== Fused Replicas ==