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→‎Voyage to Nameless: Adolin and Shallan living onboard the barge
(→‎Expedition to Lasting Integrity: End of hike, start of sailing.)
(→‎Voyage to Nameless: Adolin and Shallan living onboard the barge)
==== Voyage to Nameless ====
The party arrived in Shadesmar; as they had practiced this before, nobody panicked. They found themselves on a huge pillar with steps spiraling down around it to "sea" level. Adolin surveyed the group, and started a bit too long at [[Arshqqam]]'s [[mistspren]], who acted offended. Shallan pointed him to the downward ramp where the highprince found Maya. He took her hand and guided her to the others to be introduced. He had Shallan watch over her while he checked Gallant and repacked his luggage, as his Shardplate had not made the transfer. When they started moving, he talked with Shallan about his actions regarding Maya. The highprince used the rest of the hike to get to know the expedition members. He spoke with Godeke about theology and how recent events effected the various religious attitudes. Finally they reached the bottom where a barge was waiting for them and the party boarded it for the two week sailing to [[Nameless]]. When Shallan opened her trunk, Adolin noticed the looked shocked, but she told him it was just some spilled paint. He then went to brush down Gallant and noticed Maya watching him. She wanted to help, so he showed her how to, to the surprise of the nearby peakspren.{{book ref|sa4|22}}
During the second day of the voyage, Adolin found Shallan sketching on deck. They ate together, and had a quite conversation. After a bit, when Shallan admitted she left her homeland intending to rob Jasnah, Adolin responded with laughter. He found the whole notion ridiculous, and they exchanged a few jokes and chatted happily for a while longer.{{book ref|sa4|24}}
== Relationships ==
