Difference between revisions of "User talk:Shivertongue"

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Like I said Communication is the key, which is why I contacted [[User:Fbstj]] on issues I encountered or disagreed with. Which is relevant to this case as well, if you or any of the admins(or users) have concerns about what you consider "Behavior towards editors" or "disruptive editing", oryou should indeed raise those concenrnsconcerns to thewith user involved, here is [[User_talk:Mbg|my communication page]]. As for the rest:
* I assume that you refered to my suggestion, on the welcome page discussion page. I posted that suggestion, because it would change current structure and was looking for input on possible solution to issues and pro/cos of the systems, from people who has more hands on experience with current system. A suggestion I haven't acted upon and have no intention to until a proper documentation will be provided. (Which is where I intended to take that discussion, which slide to personal nature, without any moderation on part of the admins) My only disregard was to "I like it better.." comments and those of personal nature.
Anonymous user