Difference between revisions of "User:Rasarr/Length Test"

While writing a blow-by-blow of every scene is decidedly excessive, you shouldn't skip over too many events, either. Remember, if someone's reading a history section, it's probably to catch themselves up to speed on the character. As such, include enough detail that the reader doesn't ask "but why were they here?" or "but how did they do that?" For example, if a character was present at some battle, say what they were doing there instead of simply "they were present at the battle"; if a character journeyed to multiple places, say where they've been, and everything interesting that's happened, rather than "for the next few years, they travelled a lot" (unless you don't know what happened, in which case, feel free to summarize it in a sentence).
Don't skip over a large chunk of character's on-page time. If something's happening, make note of it. If a character or object appears, but doesn't become important until later, do mention them, so that the reader isn't confused when they show up again. Also note when a character is present as part of a group, regardless of how much they do in any given scene. For example, if you're writing about a member of a [[DDF]] flight and know what the flight's been doing, it's worth saying that on the character's history page, even if they don't say anything. Don't be afraid to make assumptions, either -- if a character is still alive and a member of the group when it's doing something, you can assume that they're with the group even if they're not explicitely named in the scene.
=== Place events in their correct places ===
