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=== The Shattered Plains (1173) ===
==== Shipwrecked ====
Jasnah and Shallan took passage on ''[[Wind's Pleasure]],'' to travel to the Shattered Plains. While sketching Shadesmar after her brief delving into the strange world, she noticed a pattern on her skethpad which began to move. When she was startled by its sudden movement, the pattern quickly disappeared. Several days into the journey, Shallan spied a [[santhid]] - an elusive and ancient dweller of the ocean - moving alongside the ship. She wanted to observe the santhid underwater in order to sketch it, but was dissuaded from the dangerous task by Captain Tozbek. Jasnah soon joined her, and detecting her ward's innattention to her reading, explained the nature of Shadesmar and spren to her. Shallan mentioned the patterns of lines she has been noticing. While conversing, Shallan revealed Jasnah also detailed the measures she has taken to help House Davar: sending money to Shallan's brothers, communicating with her mother about the broken Soulcaster, and setting up a causal betrothal with [[Adolin Kholin]]. Finally, Jasnah gave Shallan words of advice on power and how even its illusion can be enough to create authority. Taking these words to heart, Shallan commanded the captain to help her go overboard in order to observe and take a Memory of the santhid. {{book ref|wor|1}}
While trying to recreate the strange pattern she glimpsed earlier on her sketchpad, the image suddenly moved and drifted to the floor of her room. Startled by the movement, Shallan attempted to find Jasnah, who conveniently showed up just as she opened the door of her room. When she explained what she observed, Jasnah informed her that this was her spren, a Cryptic-type specifically; and Shallan even managed to catch a glimpse of Jasnah's own spren, [[Ivory]]. Jasnah shared that these type of spren had not been seen in centuries, making Shallan the first one to interact with one in a while. As they continued to converse, Jasnah began to explain the nature of the Knights Radiant and the Orders making up the organization. She explained that Shallan was a part of the [[Order of Lightweavers]] while she belonged to the [[Order of Elsecallers]], a similar yet different order. {{book ref|wor|3}}