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=== Return to the Shattered Plains (1173—) ===
After her travel through the Cognitive Realm, she returned to [[Urithiru]] to resume her attemptfight at fighting offagainst the [[Voidbringers]]. She attempted to rally the [[Vorin]] army, and took part in meetings with current Rosharian leaders. While she reunites with her former ward, [[Shallan]], Jasnah observes the girl's slow mental deterioration which Ivory also warns her about.{{book ref|sa3|53}} When she later took notice of Renarin's strange behavior, Jasnah and Ivory realized that her cousin had bonded with a corrupt spren which they believed should have been impossible. After she confronts him about this, Renarin feared that Jasnah would kill him because of this, but she does not. Renarin then mentioned that something bad would happen to Dalinar, and she rushed to the battlefield to aid her uncle. {{book ref|sa3|53}} {{book ref|sa3|116}}
==== Battle of Thaylen Field and Aftermath (1174) ====