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While in Shadesmar, they find themselves accompanied by their now fully-sized sprens as well as [[Maya]], the dead spren tied to Adolin's Shardblade. {{book ref|sa3|88}}
==== Battle of Thaylen Field and Aftermath ====
As they return to Kholinar, Shallan and her friends arrive on the battle occurring at [[Thaylen City]], and she aids the army by summoning illusions of all the people she drew in her sketchbook to attract the Voidbringers. {{book ref|sa3|2}} During her period of switching between Shallan, Veil and Radiant, Shallan has an identity crisis that borders on dissociate identity disorder, unable to determine which version of her is really herself. {{book ref|sa3|120}} As she began to run out of stormlight, Jasnah arrived to support Shallan for duration of the battle.
Following the battle, Shallan opened up about her struggles with her mental disorder to Adolin which accepts. In return, Adolin shares his responsibility for the murder of Highprince [[Sadeas]]. While initially shocked, Shallan comforts Adolin and convinces him to share his secret with his father and the other nobles. Following this conversation, the two marry with Veil and Radiant by her side. {{book ref|sa3|122}}