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The game developers were introduced to Brandon through Issac, one of the art developers, as they were in college together.[1] BrandonThey metapproached him with the developersidea to write some stories set in the world of their games and Brandon accepted, partially because they becamewere friends, [2] and hepartially helpedso themthat organisehe acould narrativegain experience writing for aftervideo thegames[1]. firstHe gamehelped wasthem released,develop resultinga innarrative thethat firstis novellamuch beingclearer written.in Brandonthe alsolater hadgames, as well as a handprotagonist in the developmentname of theSiris. sequel games.[1]
== References ==
[1] {{qa ref|428|21|West Jordan signing|date=Jul, 2011}}
[2] {{qa ref|428|21|Firefight Seattle UBooks signing|date=Jan, 2015}}
<references />