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Amaram behind them.
Kaladin feels jealous of Adolin over Shallan, but his admiration for Adolin overcomes that and he thinks they belong together. Kaladin thinks that he should talk to Renarin about his condition and find out if anything else is going on. The bridgemen all berate Kaladin for not recuperating from his injuries. Dalinar and Amaram appear, and Kaladin suppresses his hatred after the punishment that he had to endure after his challenge was turned down. Kaladin asks who is watching Elhokar, and Teft says they left their best man, and Kaladin realizes that would be Moash, and silently curses to himself. Dalinar asks Amaram to confirm his story that he never met Kaladin before and that he didn't get takesteal his shards from Kaladin and Amaram concurs with these statements, saying that Kal's claims are preposterous. Dalinar says an apology is in order, and interrupts Kaladin and looks at Amaram who is shocked. Dalinar explains his sting operation with Bordin and Taln to trick Amaram, then summons a shardblade and holds it to Amaram's throat right before Amaram summons his own. Dalinar demands an explanation for Amaram's lies and deceit, and Amaram says that he did it for the greater good since the Voidbringers are returning. Amaram apologizes to Kaladin, who realizes with shock that
Amaram is sincere despite the means that he used to achieve his goals. Dalinar accuses Amaram of murder, but Amaram counters that Dalinar has sent many soldiers to death to win gemhearts. Dalinar tells Amaram to remove his cloak since he is no Radiant, and lets him go for now against Kal's protest, and says that he will face justice at a later time. Kaladin thanks Dalinar for believing him, and Dalinar tells him to get rest. Kaladin says for Dalinar to stay safe, and Dalinar replies that him having a shardblade, though it feels wrong, will help him if Szeth shows up.