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== Historical ==
They were the last order to be accepted by their chosen [[Herald]], Nalan'Elin.,{{epigraph ref|sa2|43}} and also the only one where the patron Herald became a Knight Radiant.
They also reportedly had some issues with the [[Windrunners]]. [[Sylphrena]], an [[honorspren]], mentioned to [[Kaladin]] that "Laws don't matter. What's right matters." [[Highspren]] and, through them, the Skybreakers judge and dispense justice according to the letter of the law and what may make logical sense to them, while the Windrunners will disregard these laws or logic at their letter to do what is considered right. This is further supported when [[Kaladin]] tells [[Sylphrena]] that he'll "find his own justice" in regards to [[Amaram]], and she cautions that he's "not a [[Skybreaker]]," and that he's "not supposed to be like [that]."{{book ref|sa2|22}}