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== Chapter Frog ==
The introduction to this chapter is Alcatraz mentioning the odd numbering of the chapters so far, and offering a cookie (not a dog biscuit) to anyone who noticed it.
As he falls out of the ship, he wraps himself in glassweave cloth and bounces off the ground instead of injuring himself. Because Dif forced them to jump early, the five of them are seen by troops and have to run away. As they run, they pass by a store, in which a television is reporting their invasion. They keep running, avoiding Librarian traps and explosions, and come upon a barricade, which Alcatraz hopes is a resistance made up of people trying to fight back against the Librarians.
As soon as they arrive at the barricade, however, Alcatraz sees a Librarian standing behind it. Grandpa Smedry mentions that now would be a good time for the Talents to return, and Alcatraz tries, despite believing that he only knows how to Break things, not fix them. As he tries, he sees a dark, translucent reflection of himself in a broken window, but that's all. The Librarians chasing them catch up, and Alcatraz thinks that it's all over, but suddenly the Librarians behind the barricade begin firing on the Librarians chasing them.
[[Himalaya_Smedry | Himalaya Smedry]] and [[Folsom_Smedry | Folsom Smedry]] appear from the barricade and pull the five Smedrys and Draulin over the top to safety. Once they are safe, Himalaya's Librarians introduce themselves as the Librarian Liberation Libationists, and Himalaya and Folsom inform the five of them that they, too, saw Alcatraz's speech and have been waiting for him to show up. The LLL offers to help them to break into the Highbrary by trying to break in themselves, as a distraction.
== Chapter Alice ==