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Many of the animals on the Pantheon are able to detect the thoughts of other creatures on the planet. There are enormous sea creatures that hunt by detecting the thought patterns of other creatures, and hunt them. Hunters of the Panatheon use their [[Aviar]]s to mask their thoughts. There are plants that send out the thoughts of frightened, wounded, animals, in order to draw predators, which fight near their trunk. The tree feeds off the blooddead carcasses. Enormous birds called Nightmaws find prey sensingusing theirexceptional good smell and the ability to sense others' minds emotions. Aviar, birds prized by the trappers for their abilitymagical toabilities, such as blockblocking the trappers thought waves, defending them from predators, live only on the Pantheon. If you grow an Aviar from an egg somewhere else, they will not have this ability. TheAll Aviar, regardless of what island they come from, go to a certain place on [[Patji] called [[Patji's Eye]] when they are young, and when they leave, they are ableendowed towith blocktheir themagical trappers thoughts from predators who sense themability. Nobody except for Sixth of the Dusk knows thatthe secret to the birdsmagic of the [[Aviary]]: they eat the fruit of the tree, [[Patji's finger]] and get infected with a parisiteparasitic worm there, and it is the worm that actually doesholds the workmagic. If you bring a different species of bird to that{Patji's areaEye]], they will develop a different power. Sixth of the Dusk's bird, Sax,evidenced shows him images of his own corpse in places where if he were to go, he might die. This warns him of these places, and he staysby away[[Sak]].
== Notes ==