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After [[Adolin]]s duel with the 4 [[Shardbearer]]s is won, Sadeas is forced to accept his boon of a challenge.However due to [[Kaladin]] interrupting, [[Adolin]] only gets to seek a challenge and not to pin down the time.As such, Sadeas takes the liberty of accepting to duel the young man a year after the date.He puts on an air of control and mirth after this, but in secret is terrified to see that [[Adolin]] is becoming another [[Dalinar|Blackthorn]].{{book ref|sa2|58}}
On the last day before the [[Weeping]] Sadeas and [[Ialai Sadeas|his wife]] are taking a ride, supposedly for pleasure but in fact to assuage the extent of [[Sebarial warcamp]]s industry.He speaks with his wife about [[Dalinar]] and [[Elhokar]].[[Ialai Sadeas|Ialai]] believes they should seize the opportunity to attempt a coup on the [[Pinnacle]], but Sadeas mentions it won't be necessary, and also points out the failure of their last assassin.After Highprince [[Aladar]] joins with Dalinars forces Sadeas is stunned, and thinks on the events for a long time, before ultimately deciding that it does not matter, as they will all die on the [[Shattered Plains]] and that they must set about deciding who will take their places as [[Highprince]]s.{{book ref|sa2|76}}
== Notes ==