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m (Added a link to Quentin's page.)
(Added chapters 5, 6, 7, 8 and 9)
==Chapter 4==
In this chapter Leavenworth Smedry explains why it is so important to retrieve the sands and introduces Alcatraz to his cousin [[Quentin Smedry]]. Quentin's Talent is saying things that don't make any sense. During a short lunch break, Alcatraz is attacked by a Librarian agent. The attacker is scared off, when Grandpa Smedry joins the scene and his gun is taken apart by Alcatraz's Talent. Just when the team is about to leave their base and go to the library, [[Bastille]] arrives in her silver sports car.
==Chapter 5==
Right after her arrival, Bastille is introduced to Alcatraz as the [[Crystallia|Crystin Knight]] tasked with protecting the Smedrys on their mission to Hushlands. After quick explanation of what their plan is Grandpa Smedry takes Quentin and Sing Sing in his car to the Downtown Library, leaving Alcatraz to drive with Bastille. During the ride Alcatraz gets to know Bastille a little more and learns that he was actually supervised from a distance by Leavenworth, who kept track of his changing foster homes. When they arrive (Grandpa is late - obviously), Bastille asks Alcatraz to take an oculatory reading of the library building. She helps Alcatraz to interpret what he sees using the Oculator's Lenses, displaying her knowledge about oculatory powers. During their conversation, Alcatraz manages to irritate Bastille to the point, she smashes him with her handbag, just before the other team members arrived. Rutabaga.
==Chapter 6==
Once reunited Alcatraz's grandfather introduces Alcatraz to the importance of knowledge and makes him only more nervous about the whole plan. Quentin is sent to scout ahead in the library lobby, while other team members wait outside. During the wait Alcatraz explains to Sing the purpose of a bottle cap saying "YOU ARE NOT A WINNER", learns that his team is composed of two children, an anthropologist (Sing), graduate student (Quentin) and loony old man (Leavenworth). After that Alcatraz is given his Tracker's Lenses and Firebringer's Lenses. He activates the latter accidentally just by touching them, scorching a big piece of pavement. From now on, the Firebringer's Lenses will be carried in a black velvet pouch. Apart from the two sets of lenses Alcatraz receives an encouraging speech about his Talent and partial explanation of why Leavenworth didn't take him from the foster homes. It is also revealed a bit more, why the Sands of Rashid are so important. They are somehow connected with the origins of Smedry Talents. After Quentin's return from his reconnaissance the team proceeds with the infiltration...
==Chapter 7==
Infiltration begun with Sing Sing majestically tripping and falling on one of the bookshelves, which resulted in a little book avalanche. While the Librarians were distracted by this incident, other team members approached the door marked with "EMPLOYEES ONLY" sign. Alcatraz managed to break the door's lock (doors are his specialty) and our heroes get in. The team spitted into two groups. First group composed of Leavenworth and Quentin went for the third floor of the library, while the rest went on to search first and second floor. While Alcatraz, Bastille and Sing traveled through the maze of bookshelves Alcatraz saw a map of the whole world, including all the continents, not just the Inner Libraria.
==Chapter 8==
This whole chapter is dedicated to the discussion between Alcatraz, Bastille and Sing about Librarians control over the world, as Alcatraz struggles to understand how they managed to keep three continents hidden from the society. The discussion ended, when Alcatraz decided to just deal with all this later and the trio moved on to the second floor, as they decided that the sans are not hidden between the books.
==Chapter 9==
After previous revelations, the encounter of talking dinosaurs locked in one of the rooms on the second floor didn't make much of an impression on Alcatraz. The dinosaurs were left in their cages with a promise that the group will return for them. The next room checked contained a collection of books written in the Forgotten Language and Librarian's notes with attempts on translating it. In this room Sing explained to Alcatraz the basic history of the Librarians order, how it got created by [[Biblioden]] and what is their main objective (control over everything extraordinary like oculatory power). After they left the room, Alcatraz, using his Tracker's Lenses, noticed the footprints of the Dark Oculator and decided to go after him.
==Chapter 10==