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They move on to discussing Chasmfiends and gemhearts and sustainablility. Adolin feigns ignorance for a while, saying he isn’t good at anything that doesn’t involve stabbing, but eventually says he’s dense as he’s pretending. Shallan suggests raising and harvesting Chasmfiends that way as a solution to the dwindling population. Adolin, surprising Shallan, asks her what she needs to make it happen. She asks to be taken out onto the Shattered Plains to see an uncut chrysalis for herself. Adolin is hesitant about this but Shallan tells him she knows he’ll protect her. Adolin reveals to Shallan his father’s visions and Sadea’s betrayal. In turn Shallan reveals Jasnah’s suspicions of the [[Parshmen]] being related to the return of the [[Voidbringers]]. Adolin tells Shallan he’ll talk to his aunt and try to smooth things over for her so Shallan can talk to Navani about Jasnah’s research. Afterwards they watch the approaching highstorm and are the last remaining spectators until Adolin has to drag Shallan indoors before the storm hits. Before they go to the gender segregated sitting rooms Adolin promises to try and get her out onto the Plains. {{book ref|wor|49}}
While waiting out the highstorm Adolin encounters Sadeas. Sadeas tries to engage Adolin in conversation about fashion and Adolin thinks about how much he wants to kill the highprince, but knows that it would only lead to his own execution or exile. Sadeas reveals that he has renounced the title of [[Highprince of Information]]. Adolin interprets this as a rejection of the King’s authority. Sadeas goes on to say that he is glad Adolin survived the Tower and that he will make a fine highprince in the upcoming months and goes as far as to say that in ten years he and Adolin will have a fine alliance. Adolin counters with saying he’ll have killed Sadeas by then. When Adolin returns to his father’s bunker he finds the bridgemen around another mysterious message. Adolin has them summon Navani. Dalinar believes he might have made the markings during one of his fits because they were made with his knife but Adolin points out anyone could have taken it to do this. Dalinar and Navani are of a different opinion however. {{book ref|wor|50}}
== Family ==