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m (-attention, it's fine)
'''''The Aztlanian''''' is the sequel to ''[[The Rithmatist]]''.
It features Joel and Melody traveling to the Aztek Federation and how the Native Americans interacted with the wild chalklings. It will touch on the theme of colonialism.{{url ref|url=http://www.torbooks.co.uk/blog/2015/4/29/5-questions-with-brandon-sanderson|text=Do you know how the series will continue? Can you reveal anything to us?|site= Tor Books UK|date= May 1st, 2015}}
It will possibly be a 2017 release.{{ref|name=sots14}}
==Behind the Scenes==
Brandon initially tried to start work on ''The Aztlanian'' in May 2014. He eventually decided however that since he was using real world cultures, namely various cultures from Meso- and South America, he needed to do significantly more research than he originally planned. This resulted in the entire month being taken up with research instead of writing, thoughat hethe stillend of the month however he felt itthe research he had done was wasn'tnot enough and so shelved the book until he could do more.{{ref|name=sots14}}
== Notes ==
{{bws ref|name=sots14|state-of-the-sanderson-december-2014|State of the Sanderson: December 2014|date=Dec 12th, 2014-12-18}}