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The '''Elantris''' sequel is a forthcoming book set on [[Sel]] by [[Brandon Sanderson]].
==Plot Summary==
Set 10 years after the events of ''Elantris''. This book will follow several of the minor characters from the first novel.
Brandon has stated that this book, as well as the finale, needs to be written before the second Mistborn trilogy. At the latest they will be written following Stormlight 5.{{cite|2014 SotS}}
|Speaking of sequels, here’s what I'm planning. A book that takes place ten years after the events of ''Elantris''. It would occur in the capitol city of [[Fjorden]], and would star [[Kiin]]'s children as viewpoint characters along with a [[Seon]] viewpoint character. The plot of the book: [[Wyrn]] has declared that [[Jaddeth]], the [[Derethi]] God, is going to finally return. (A new interpretation of the scriptures says that he'll return when everyone east of the mountains converts, so they don’t have to worry about [[Teod]] and [[Arelon]]) Kiin's family, ambassadors to the Fjordell state, has to deal with the chaos of this announcement, and investigate the truth behind the [[Dakhor]] magic.
|[[Brandon]] on the sequel{{bws ref|elantris-reading-group-questions|Elantris Reading Group Questions|date=Sep 27, 2006}}}}
==Behind the Scenes==
Brandon has stated that this book, as well as the [[Elantris finale|finale]], needs to be written before the [[Mistborn series#Second Mistborn Trilogy|second Mistborn trilogy]]. At the latest they will be written following the fifth installment of ''[[The Stormlight 5Archive]]''.{{citebws ref|state-of-the-sanderson-december-2014|State SotSof the Sanderson: December 2014|date=2014-12-18}}
== Notes ==