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Adolin then turns to Kaladin who had been watching and was going to rush to help before Adolin showed up. He calls him ‘bridgeboy’ and tells him to go to Brightlord [[Reral Makoram]] and inform him that Adolin Kholin will not be attending their planned meeting and will reschedule at a later date. He flips an emerald chip to Kaladin and leaves with the Cobalt Guard to escort the prostitute.
Kaladin doesn’t do what he asks, annoyed with how Adolin treated him. He is genuinely baffled by Adolin’s behaviour, trying to figure out what Adolin thought he could have gained by helping the woman. He is unable to believe Adolin’s actions were altruistic.{{ref|b|twok|c|25}}
====The Pending Abdication====
<!--In which Adolin butts heads with his father and is easily manipulated by his aunt-->
While waiting for the coming highstorm Adolin tells his father that his plan to abdicate, which Dalinar had informed his sons of a week ago, is insane. Dalinar dryly points out that it is appropriate given that Adolin accused him of being insane. When Adolin denies the wording Renarin points out that he had called their father crazy. Frustrated, Adolin tries to explain that he didn’t mean for it to come to this and tells his father that though he may have problems it is no reason to abdicate. Dalinar tells him that the other highprinces will use the weakness against House Kholin and if he stays matters may only grow worse. Adolin petulantly proclaims he does not yet want to be highprince to which his father says that leadership is not about what one wants. When Adolin asks his father what he will do if he does abdicate Dalinar says he will return to Alethkar, though he hates to leave the army down a shardbearer. However [[Kholinar]] does have need of one, now that they are all here on the Shattered Plains. It may dissuade the [[Reshi]] and the [[Veden]]s though Adolin points out that it may also lead to the two nations sending their own Shardbearers to the border incursions. This worries Dalinar but he tells his sons they will have to continue the conversation later and that they should tie him to his chair. Adolin does as he is told though he does not enjoy doing it.{{ref|b|twok|c|52}}
Adolin and Renarin watch over their father during his vision and when he returns they look uncomfortable and tense. Adolin helps untie Dalinar while Renarin fetches wine. Adolin watches his father until Dalinar asks if it really is that difficult to watch. Adolin and Renarin tell him that he thrashes bout and speaks in gibberish. When Dalinar uses this as further proof for his abdication Adolin tells him that the episodes easily containable and that he simply does not want his father using the delusions to make decisions about House Kholin’s future. Dalinar tells Adolin that he does not think they are delusions and that they are real visions, even if he accepts the fact that it was wrong to automatically assume they were from the Almighty. He postulates that they could be the product of the [[Old Magic]] but that they are not a product of his curse or boon. Adolin is shocked to learn that the Old Magic is real and that his father has searched it out.{{ref|b|twok|c|52}}
The argument continues with Adolin saying that they can still contain it. If his father has an episode on the battlefield then they will deal with it as it comes. He does not like the fact that even now his father’s decisions, and the decisions he makes for his sons and their house, are being ruled by the delusions. Renarin then suggests that they find a way to prove the visions are true and they send for Navani. While Renarin is gone Adolin asks his father what they will do if Adolin is proven right. Dalinar confesses that a part of him wishes that Adolin was and that it might be better for Alethkar. Adolin then asks about Sadeas, who is nearly finished his investigation. Dalinar gives Adolin leave to prepare for the worst, noting that if he and Sadeas go to war than Alethkar as a unified state will shatter.{{ref|b|twok|c|52}}
Navani confesses she recognizes nothing from Dalinar’s visions as he recounts them to her. Adolin asks if she has any sort of analysis but Navani says she wishes to wait until Jasnah can weigh in. Navani tells Adolin that she thinks he has made a fine choice in Danlan, which makes Adolin perk up. Navani tells him to go take some [[avramelon|avramelons]] to Danlan, which she is fond of and Navani procured especially for this purpose. Adolin knows she is trying to deflect his worries but thinks it will be a pleasant change from how things had been going lately and leaves Dalinar and Navani alone.{{ref|b|twok|c|52}}
During another feast Dalinar calls for Adolin to stay close and to prepare for a worst case scenario. Wit had warned him that Sadeas was going to make a move tonight. Adolin informs his father that six of the Cobalt Guard are at the feast and he has installed members of the King's Guard who are loyal to House Kholin and Dalinar at the king’s island. Adolin points out possible avenues of retreat in case they are needed due to his cousin’s increasing paranoia but Dalinar does not believe it will come to that. When everything is set up they move to the King’s island where Dalinar directly asks Sadeas about the results of his investigation. Sadeas clears House Kholin of any suspicion, completely blindsiding Adolin but vindicating Dalinar.{{ref|b|twok|c|54}}
====A Change of Heart====
<!--In which Adolin is proven wrong about a lot of things.-->
The Kholin Army’s next plateau excursion is run jointly with Sadeas’s, who agreed to trying out the new tactic at the feast.{{ref|b|twok|c|54}} Dalinar is nearly overwhelmed as he tries to save Sadeas but Adolin and the rest of his army arrives to save them. Adolin tells Dalinar that he gave him quite a fright as he had to punch through the entire Parshendi army to get to them and half scolds him for making such a reckless move. Dalinar explains to Adolin that he made the decision while firm in the knowledge that if anything had happened to him his son could handle the army.{{ref|b|twok|c|56}}
A week after the plateau assault Adolin goes to a wineshop in the [[Outer Market]] with Danlan, [[Jakamav]], [[Inkima]], [[Toral]] and [[Eshava]]. Adolin complains about how he hates being proven wrong and wonders why Sadeas, who was in a position of strength, never used it to take out House Kholin. Danlan wonders if the reason Sadeas did not move against Dalinar was because he wished to avoid a war. Toral makes subtle comments about the reputation of not only Dalinar but also House Kholin which Adolin refutes. Eshava voices that she wishes Danliar would step down from his position of highprince. Toral tells Adolin that no one is ignoring what is happening to his father during highstorms. Danlan says that stepping down would be too much of an overreaction but she does wish that Dalinar would relax all of the restrictions the Codes place on the Kholin warcamp. Adolin tells her he has tried and then excuses himself as he has a duel to prepare for against Resi, who had been vocally insulting his father. While leaving Adolin remarks on how uncomfortable the conversation made him.{{ref|b|twok|c|58}}
As he moves through the Outer Market to the duelling grounds he notices the differences between the Kholin officers and those of other highprinces. Adolin finds himself annoyed with the others, asking internally if they knew there was a war going on. It is at this point that he has a revelation.
{{quote|Maybe the Codes weren’t just about protecting against the Parshendi. Maybe they were about something more—about giving the men commanders they could respect and rely on. About treating war with the gravity it deserved. Maybe it was about not turning a war zone into a festival. The common men had to remain on watch, vigilant. Therefore, Adolin and Dalinar did the same.|Chapter 58{{ref|b|twok|c|58}}}}
After his victory in the duel with Resi{{ref|b|twok|c|58}}, Adolin goes to his father and tells him that he understands why they follow the Codes now and that he absolutely must not abdicate. Dalinar, amused, tells Adolin that he has convinced him and this shocks Adolin who is rarely allowed to win arguments with his father. Dalinar tells Adolin that he will draft an order that gives Adolin the right to depose him if he grows mentally unstable. Adolin says he is alright with this so long as they do not tell Sadeas. Dalinar asks Adolin to at least try to believe Sadeas can change, even if he doesn’t trust him. Adolin still believes Sadeas is manipulating his father. Dalinar also asks Adolin to make sure that it is only King’s Guard soldiers loyal to him that are guarding Elhokar’s rooms as he believes there is something fishy going on. They enter Dalinar’s chambers for the highstorm, where Navani and Renarin are waiting. After the highstorm Adolin and the rest of the Kholin’s discover that Dalinar’s has been speaking the [[Dawnchant]] during his episodes which means the visions are absolutely not delusions.{{ref|b|twok|c|60}}
====[[Battle of the Tower|The Battle of the Tower]]====
As they ready to make an assault on the Tower some days later Adolin effects that he is happy he was proven wrong and resolves to trust his father. When he goes out to meet his father they find Sadeas, who should already be on the move as speed in assaulting the tower is imperative. Sadeas says that they need to confer given the particular difficulties the Tower presents.If they can trap and kill the ten thousand Parshendi they always commit to assaults they can change the tied of the war. Adolin finds himself agreeing with Sadeas’s assessment. Sadeas gets Dalinar to commit eight thousand troops and to using his faster bridges now that he has a new method of using them.{{ref|b|twok|c|64}} When they arrive at the southern staging plateau Adolin is the one who directs the troops.{{ref|b|twok|c|65}}
Part way through the battle a second Parshendi army arrives. Adolin notices this before Dalinar and, frantic, he runs to his father asking him what they are supposed to do. He points it out and as Dalinar goes to check for himself he sees Sadeas leaving and taking all of his bridges with him, effectively leaving the Kholin army to be slaughtered with no way for retreat. {{ref|b|twok|c|65}} Adolin and Dalinar fight side by side against the Parshendi. Adolin berates their shared decision to trust Sadeas:
{{quote|We walked right into this […] We let him take away our bridges. We let him get us onto the plateau before the second wave of Parshendi arrived. We let him control the scouts. We even suggested the attack pattern that would leave us surrounded if he didn’t support us!|Adolin to Dalinar{{ref|b|twok|c|66}}}}
As the battle continues however he tells his father that he does not blame his father for what is happening and that he wishes he had not fought Dalinar on every little thing. Adolin reflects that if he had trusted his father instead of distracting them both they might have seen Sadeas’s betrayal. With that reconciliation they both prepare to die alongside their army, fighting to the last breath.{{ref|b|twok|c|66}}
When Kaladin makes the decision to turn back to save the Kholin army, Dalinar notices the returning bridge. Adolin at first thinks it is a trick but they both decide to punch through the Parshendi with the army to have one chance of saving their men, no matter how slim that chance is.{{ref|b|twok|c|67}} When Kaladin finds Adolin he orders him to make his soldiers retreat. Adolin stubbornly refuses to at first, desperate to save his father who is battling [[Eshonai]] but Kaladin tells Adolin that if he falls his men will have nothing. Adolin can barely walk as it is. He finally orders Captainlord Malan to go with Kaladin to save his father. {{ref|b|twok|c|68}} When returning from the battle Adolin gives his father his gauntlet because of the two of them Adolin is younger and if either of the two of them were to go without part of their shardplate it should be him. When they arrive, Navani and Renarin are waiting for them in Sadeas’s warcamp. Renarin hugs his father and greets Adolin by pounding on his shardplate while grinning. The brothers are both a bit uncomfortable when Navani and Dalinar embrace. They are soon encountered by Sadeas’s hostile troops. Dalinar tells Adolin not to summon his blade When Dalinar offers up his Shadblade in a trade for the [[bridgemen]] Adolin objects but is overruled.{{ref|b|twok|c|69}}
== Family ==