Difference between revisions of "Waxillium Ladrian/Gallery"

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BOM BR cover.jpg | <small><center>by {{a|Marc Simonetti}}</small></center> ''[[Bands of Mourning]]'' Brazilian cover
MB Era 2 BR cover art.jpg | <center><small>by {{a|Marc Simonetti}}</small></center> On Brazilian [[Mistborn Era 2]] cover set (center)
Wax Fights Miles on Traintop by Randy Vargas.jpg | <small><center>by {{a|Marc Simonetti}}</small></center> Confronting Miles
Waxillium Ladrian by Dan Watson.jpg | <small><center>by {{a|Dan Watson}}</center></small> Endpaper for the upcoming leatherbound edition of ''[[The Alloy of Law]]''
Wax Character Pin.png | <small><center>by {{a|Sandara Tang}}</center></small> Wax Character Pin
