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== Functioning ==
Each Aetheraether spore is associated with one of the 12 [[aetherAether#Lumar_aethers|Lumaran aethers]]. When exposed to water they immediately transform into the associated aether, this is because of the unstable nature of the Lumaran aethers. The water serves as a catalyst and begins a process where in it draws [[Investiture]] from the [[Spiritual Realm]] in order to allow the transformation to take place.{{book ref|tress|28}} This expansion is very rapid, comparable to lightning.{{book ref|tress|10}} Despite expanding even more when put into contact with more water, they do have a maximum extent to which they are able to grow. When they reach this maximum growth potential, they stop reacting with water.{{book ref|tress|37}} The direction and speed of this expansion can be changed by various factors, such as the cognitive phenomena surrounding it, shaped by thoughts and commands.{{book ref|tress|41}}{{book ref|tress|44}} It is also pushed away by steel and attracted by iron.{{book ref|tress|26}}
Aether spores can be killed by silver and salt, turning grey and losing their reactivity when they touch it.{{book ref|tress|1}}{{book ref|tress|10}} The substance they produce upon expanding also grows grey and dies when coming into contact with silver.{{book ref|tress|11}} Dead aether spores will stick to almost anything and can be washed away with soap.{{book ref|tress|16}}