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("Inquisitors were given a pewter spike, which—after first being pounded through the body of a Feruchemist—gave the Inquisitor the ability to store up healing power." HoA, chapter 36)
== Weaknesses ==
Steel Inquisitors were very powerful. With [[goldpewter]] spikes, they become nearly invincible.
Removing spikes from an Inquisitor could effectively kill it, most notably the lynchpin spike located between their shoulder blades. Beheading was also an effective method for killing Steel Inquisitors.
* Iron/Steel Savant: Inquisitors lacked eyes, so they saw via the blue lines from burning iron or steel. They burned this constantly, thus becoming [[savant]]s{{cite}}{{Disputed}}.
* Healing: The goldpewter{{ref|b|mb3|c|36}} spike offered extremely effective, almost immediate healing.
* Strength and Speed: An Inquisitor's pewter spike offered dramatically increased strength and speed.