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*[[Ais]] (Point of View)
*[[Kenton]] (Point of View)
*[[Khrissalla]] (Point of View)
*[[Allstren Cynder]]
*[[Jon AcronTain]]
*[[Allstren Cynder]]
*[[Drile]] (appearance only)
*[[Sharezan]] (mentioned only)
*[[RaagentTraiben]] (mentioned only)
*[[Jedan]] (mentioned only)
While the two fight, Kenton calls out Drile as a traitor. When Kenton is victorious he drives Drile out and demands that he leave his sash behind.
At the site of the raid that was conducted earlier, Senior [[Trackt]] [[Ais]], with Trackt [[Tain]] and her team discovers a man kept prisoner behind a hidden door. The man, Lord [[Torkel]], was an advisor to the Lord Merchant, who went missing last year. While questioning Torkel, Ais reflects on her warring emotions and her difficulty in controlling her anger when innocents are harmed. Torkel reveals that he was kidnapped,imprisoned, and tortured by being kept in a closet with the remains of murdered wife and children after trying to go back on an agreement with [[Sharezan]]. Tain reports that [[Lokmlen]], Sharezan's second, was seen fleeing to the Portside Market.
Ais chases down Lokmlen, who also murdered six trackts during that raid. Lokmlen accuses her of being a traitor to her people and the [[Ker'Reen]] faith, as she herself is Kerztian. Ais reflects that since justice belongs to the Sand Lord, she supports the Sand Lord by supporting Justice—there is no conflict. Lokmlen lures her into a deserted alley and strikes, deliberately goading her anger. As Ais loses control of her emotions, her fighting degrades and she is bested. However, as Lokmlen is about to strike Ais down, [[Aarik]] arrives and interrupts them. Lokmlen challenges the stranger and tosses Ais' sword to him. Aarik refuses the weapon; and, in a replay of what just occured, mocks Lokmlen while dodging all of his attacks so he fights sloppy with anger. Aarik then stomps on his foot, dropping the criminal; who Ais promptly apprehends. Ais reflects that the Sand Lord must have shown her this stranger to teach her a better path.
:''The Diem''
Kenton struggles with self doubt in his father's old rooms, reflecting on just how much like his father he is. Aarik arrives outside the Diem and joins Kenton—the two have not seen one another in three years. They spend the rest of the day catching up.
The Lady Judge pays a visit to Ais and asks her to spy on Kenton for the next two weeks under the pretense of guarding his safety since the Sand Masters were attacked. Judge Heelis acknowledges that Ais will be biased against the Diem because she is Kerztian, but asks her to observe impartially as a trackt, not a follower of Ker'Reen. Ais returns home for the evening, bitter about her new assignment. She admonishes her daughter, [[Melloni]] for waiting up and sends her to bed. She tells [[Mellis]], her husband, about the deaths of her second, Trackt [[Jedan]] and the other trackts. Mellis expresses concern for her and the family's safety as they have received a threatening letter from Sharezan. Ais assurs him that criminals still refrain from targeting the families of trackts.
:''The Diem''
Assuming that Gevalden would have spoken with the Taishin, Khriss has N'Teese arrange meetings with all of the Profession leaders. Khriss works on fixing a lock for Cynder as she attempts to set up appointments with seven of the eight Professions to no avail. They plan to make a visit to the Lord Mastrell the following day.
AtThe thenext Diemmorning, KentonDirin strugglesbrings withbreakfast self doubt in his father's old rooms. Aarik arrives outside the Diem and joins Kenton- the two have not seen one another in three years. They spend the rest of the day catching up. The next morning,while Kenton is working on how to overcome the Diem's elitism when Drile and his followers arrive wearing black belts over their sashes. Kenton expresses to Aarik his suspicion that Drile was the traitor. He and Dirin wonder if Drile poisoned the water that the Mastrells drank.
:''Day 54''
The Lady Judge pays a visit to Ais and asks her to spy on Kenton for the next two weeks, putting aside her negative bias towards the sand masters. Ais returns home for the evening, bitter about her new assignment. She sends her daughter to bed, and her husband expresses concern for her and the family's safety as they have received a threatening letter from Sharezan.
Assuming that Gevalden would have spoken with the Taishin, Khriss has N'Teese arrange meetings with all of the Profession leaders. Khriss works on fixing the lock on the case that Cynder borrowed from Acron as N'teese coordinates appoinments. Over the course of the day they are turned away from The Hall of Judgement (Lady Judge), The Tower Garrison (Lord General), Helm's Rest (Lord Admiral), The Guild (Lord Merchant), The Congress (Lord Farmer), The Central Studio (Lord Artisan), and Mason Headquarters (Lady Mason). Khriss asks N'Teese to take them to see The Lord Mastrell.
:''The Diem''
At the Diem, Kenton struggles with self doubt in his father's old rooms. Aarik arrives outside the Diem and joins Kenton- the two have not seen one another in three years. They spend the rest of the day catching up. The next morning, Kenton is working on how to overcome the Diem's elitism when Drile and his followers arrive wearing black belts over their sashes. Kenton expresses to Aarik his suspicion that Drile was the traitor. He and Dirin wonder if Drile poisoned the water that the Mastrells drank.
Upon arriving at the Diem, N'Teese points out the Lord Mastrell by his distinctive Golden Sash. Khriss accuses Kenton of lying to her and won't allow him to explain how new he is to the position. Kenton tells her he is too busy to be scolded, summons his ribbons, and retreats to his rooms.
Khriss asks if it is a trick done with wires while Baon remarks that they seem to have found the "Sand Mages."
Just before Kenton moves to address Drile, Khrissalla and Baon arrive. She is surprised to discover that Kenton is the Lord Mastrell, feeling she has been lied to, and she is shocked to discover that Kenton is one of the "sand mages" she has been searching for.
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