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*[[Kenton]] (Point of View)
*[[Khrissalla]] (Point of View)
*[[Allstren Cynder]]
*[[Jon Acron]]
*[[Autonomy]] (mentioned only)
*[[Drile]] (mentioned only)
*[[A'Kar]] (mentioned only)
*[[Autonomy]] (mentioned only)
*[[Kerzt]] (mentioned only)
*[[Lossa]] (mentioned only)
*[[Gevin]] (mentioned only)
Kenton awakens and emerges from the sand sometime after the battle has ended. The Kerztians are gone and only dead sand masters remain. He crawls to a nearby tent and passes out again. He is awakened by Baon and Professor Cynder, who are followed by the Duchess Khrissalla and Professor Jon Acron. At first they believe he cannot understand them, but Baon recognizes that Kenton speaks their language. Kenton explains that his mother was from Darkside.
:''Day 47''
Duchess Krissalla spots tents from a distance using her telescope. In an effort to find water, Flennid and Torth ride ahead to find a sand field with everybody dead. When the rest of the party arrives, Daazk identifies the dead sand masters and, crying [[Diem|Ry'Kensha]], flees in a panic. Believing that their guide is calling for an ambush, Flennid shoots Daazk, for which Baon admonishes him for killing thier chance to survive traveling the Kerla. While Khriss, Baon and the Professors take stock of supplies in an empty tent, Flennid and Torth steal the remaining water and abandon them to ride back toward port.
While searching the other tents for additional supplies, Kenton is found and awakened by Baon and Professor Cynder. Cynder brings the Duchess Khrissalla and Professor Acron while Baon gives Kenton some of their remaining water. At first they believe he cannot understand them, but Baon recognizes that Kenton thanked him in Dynastic while he was recovering. Kenton is puzzled that they can be low on water when they are not in the desert yet, and he explains how to find [[dorim vine]]s. While saying his farewells to the field of the dead, Kenton realizes Drile never drank the water and thinks it means Drile must have betrayed the Diem.
Kenton agrees to lead Khriss's party to a village for supplies and then on to Lossand. Khriss reveals along the way that she is searching for the "sand mages", though Kenton does not know the word "mage." When Khriss elaborates and says that "they rule Lossand" be believes she means the [[Taishin]].
:''Two Days Later''
The group has traveled from Darkside in search of Gevalden, Khrissalla's fiance who is presumed dead, and the weapon that he sought. Their guide has abandoned them and they are in need of water. Kenton shows them how to retrieve water from [[dorim vine]]s beneath the sand and offers to guide them to the nearest city in [[Lossand]]. Khriss reveals along the way that she is searching for the "sand mages", though Kenton does not speak Dynastic well enough to understand that she is referring to the sand masters.
They arrive in a village and as they restock on supplies Kenton discovers that sand masters are not well liked in the area because of recent political pressure from the Kerztians,. whoseThe highA'Kar priesthas willclaimed likelyto gainhave wiped out the roleRy'Kensha ofin an effort to become king in the upcoming [[Choosing]]. He also learns that he is not the only sand master to have survived the battle. BeforeKenton leavingexplains hehow accidentallythe dropsreligious his sashschism in worshipping the open[[Sand andLord]] isbetween noticed[[Kerzt]] byand some[[Lossa]] localis Kerztians.believed Afterto leaving thehave villagebegun, theyseparating arethe ambushed by Kerztian warriors. Mostnations of themKerzta attackand KentonLossand. whoBefore triesleaving toa defendyoung himselfpickpocket withaccidentally hisreveals sandKenton's mastery,Mastrell's butsash; hewhich findsis thatnoticed hisby powerssome arelocal notKerztian workingwarriors.
:''Two Days Later''
They arrive in a village and as they restock on supplies Kenton discovers that sand masters are not well liked in the area because of recent political pressure from the Kerztians, whose high priest will likely gain the role of king in the upcoming Choosing. He also learns that he is not the only sand master to have survived the battle. Before leaving he accidentally drops his sash in the open and is noticed by some local Kerztians. After leaving the village, they are ambushed by Kerztian warriors. Most of them attack Kenton who tries to defend himself with his sand mastery, but he finds that his powers are not working.
After leaving the village, Kenton trades questions with Khriss, explaining that the start of the desert (a lack of dorim vines) marks the border of Lossand. She, in turn, explains who Gevin was and his search for "Sand Mages." Baon notes that Kenton continues to watch for "followers." Just as Kenton believes he is mistaken, since they have officially entered the Desert without incident, they are ambushed by Kerztian warriors. Most of them attack Kenton who tries to defend himself with his sand mastery, but he finds that his powers are not working.
{{anchor|Chapter 4}}