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Navani is fully engrossed in her work, completely oblivious to everything except her lab, as she tries to find the opposite of light, what she calls antilight. She uses the sand that Raboniel gave her, which starts black and turns white when exposed to light.
Navani and Raboniel discuss where the sand came from and how you have to travel through Shadesmar to get to the other worlds. As they work, Raboniel asks why Navani does not believe herself a true scholar. Raboniel says, “If you are not a scholar, Navani, then I have never met one.” Raboniel gives Navani the title of Voice of Lights, telling her that she is an equal to herself. Navani, on the other hand, is convinced that she has Raboniel fooled. Navani is getting better at interpreting the rhythms, and she can tell that Raboniel does not actually want to kill Odium, and Raboniel admits that she is trying to unmake the Sibling. Navani tries to convince Raboniel to negotiate a treaty with her, but Raboniel refuses. Raboniel leaves Navani to her work, but later returns with Singers and an ancient musical instrument that they play for her to create the Rhythm of War. After Raboniel leaves, Navani tries to speak with the Sibling and finally hears a response. The Sibling says that they are weak and cold and don't want to die, and soon they fade away. Navani looks around her lab and realizes that the music left patterns in the sand. She then realizes that because music is a vibration, she knows she can find an opposite vibration.
Navani looks around her lab and realizes that the music left patterns in the sand. She then realizes that stormlight and voidlight are not just illumination or a substance that bears properties of fluid. They are sounds and vibrations and therefore, she is convinced she can find an opposite vibration.
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