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Shallan spent several months chasing [[Jasnah]] across many cities, hoping to become her ward in order to steal Jasnah's soulcaster. She finally caught up to Jasnah in [[Kharbranth]], and attempted to convince her to take Shallan as her ward, failing twice and finally succeeding on the third attempt. Shallan finally succeeded in stealing Jasnah's Soulcaster only to discover that it was a fake. Shallan also discovered her own Soulcasting abilities after this theft.
During her studies with Jasnah, Shallan developed a friendship with the ardent [[Kabsal]] who accidentally poisoned both Shallan and himself in an attempt to assassinate Jasnah for the [[Ghostbloods]]. Shallan realized that her father had also been a member of the same organisationorganization.
== Notes ==