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{{anchor|Chapter 51}}
Dalinar is in the command tent with other leaders as they plans their next offensive. They have defeated Taravangian’s troops and have him in prison, but Dalinar still suspects that this is only one part of his plan. The reports coming from the tower indicate that the Radiant powers were knocked out by a device that Taravangian had, one similar to the one that Kaladin had found.
The meeting ends, and Dalinar is joined by Jasnah. She questions his decision not to be more active in the battle, and he explains that he wants to focus on his Bondsmith powers and leave the battle to the Mink. They discuss the importance of pushing Odium to an accord. Wit joins the conversation and says that Odium will not proceed with a contest of champions unless he is afraid, and Dalinar expresses his concern that they are being manipulated. Dalinar expresses frustration at having to work with leaders whose government includes so much bureaucracy, and Jasnah says that she would like to be the end of the Alethi monarchy, which Dalinar does not like.
Jasnah and Wit leave, and Jasnah goes over to the battle plans and begins making suggestions. A windrunner scout brings news to Dalinar that they saw what they thought were Alethi soldiers on the tower. Dalinar asks them to send scouts at night to watch over a long distance. Dalinar turns his attention to the conversation of the leaders, and he can tell that the Highprince Ruthar is getting angry at Jasnah's intrusion. He realizes that Jasnah is doing this intentionally to get a reaction out of Ruthar - and it works. Ruthar loudly begins to criticize what Jasnah is doing, and she calls to Wit. He begins to insult Ruthar mercilessly, including revealing the fact that he beats his children. Ruthar challenges Wit to combat, and when Wit chooses Jasnah as his champion, Ruthar complains, and Jasnah stabs him in the throat.
Jasnah calls for Renarin, who heals him, and then she names Ruthar forfeit of title. Dalinar expresses disappointment at how Jasnah handled the situation, and Jasnah announces that she did it in part to justify the elimination of the barbaric practice of trial by sword. Jasnah leaves, and Renarin tells Dalinar that he has had an episode, and Dalinar says that he will speak to him about it soon.
=== Chapter 51: To Sing Hopeless Songs ===