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==== Battle of Thaylen Field and Aftermath ====
{{image|Radiant_by_Petar_Penev.jpg|height=300px|side=left|Shallan and her personasillusions fighting during the Battle of Thaylen Field}}
AsWIth theythe returnarrival to Kholinar,of Shallan and her friendsgroup, arriveDalinar noted that he sensed the presence of all the Orders of the Knight Radiants on the battlefield occurringdespite atthere [[Thaylenonly City]]being nine individuals standing with him. Because Odium had withdrawn from the battle, andthey shewere aidsnow confident that they could fight against the remnants of his army. byUsing summoningthe illusionsrenewed ofstormlight allDalinar summoned, they were each assigned a task to complete on the peoplebattlefield. sheShallan drewis inordered to use her sketchbookLightweaving abilities to summon an army that would attract the Voidbringers while the rest of them completed their tasks.{{book ref|sa3|2119}} Despite losing her original sketchbook, Shallan managed to summon every single person she every sketched in her lifetime, Patten noting that this was likely due to Dalinar momentarily bringing the [[Realms|three realms]] together. When she felt herself weakening, she created Veil and Radiant to aid her as she created more illusions. In order to maintain the attention of the enthralled soldiers, Shallan crafted realistic deaths for her illusions to satisfy the [[Thrill]] of her enemies. While her illusions were successful, she felt as if a part of her was being destroyed as each one of them were killed by the soldiers. As Shallan nearly consumed all the renewed gemstones, Lift appeared to her asking for help. At Lift's request, Shallan used Illumination to transform a rock into a ruby, so Lift and Szeth could fool the Fused hoping to escape with the gemstone......During her period of switching between Shallan, Veil and Radiant, Shallan had an identity crisis that borders on dissociate identity disorder, unable to determine which version of her is really herself.{{book ref|sa3|120}} As she began to run out of stormlight, Jasnah arrived to support Shallan for duration of the battle.{{book ref|sa3|120}}
Following the battle, Shallan opened up more about her struggles with her mental disorder to Adolin which accepts. In return, Adolin described his responsibility for the murder of Highprince Sadeas. Shallan again comforted Adolin and convinced him to share his secret with his father. Following this conversation, the two marry with Veil and Radiant by her side.{{book ref|sa3|122}}{{expand}}