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Shortly thereafter, a scout spots something in the water which turns out to be a [[Santhid]] - a large, rare sea creature viewed by sailors as good luck and whose shell is the only thing anyone ever sees. Seeing an opportunity, Shallan decides she needs to sketch the first ever picture of a living Santhid. After much debate with Yalb and Tozbek, and after conversing with Jasnah about [[Shadesmar]] and [[Spren]] in some detail for the first time, the sailors finally agree to allow Shallan to be lowered over the side of the boat to get a look at the Santhid. Jasnah tells Shallan that she has spoken to Navani about the possibility of repairing the [[Soulcaster]] Shallan possesses so that her brothers can give it back to the [[Ghostbloods]]. Shallan is also informed that she has been betrothed to Adolin Kholin, which she accepts willingly.
*[[Pattern]] manifests in the physical realm for the first time.
*Shallan is betrothed to Adolin and makes the first sketch of a living Santhid.
{{anchor|Chapter 2}}
After leaving, Kaladin and his men walk through the war camp noting the general mood. Kaladin decides the camp has an air of dread to it following Sadeas' betrayal. The men receive Bridge Four salutes from a few people they pass, Kaladin wondering where they even learned the salute. The men visit the head quartermaster, Rind, to discuss uniforms for the bridgemen. Rind hands out what's left of the old [[Cobalt Guard]] uniforms and the men try them on, eventually coming to admire how they look in them. After some discussion with Kaladin, explaining to him that they all identify as Bridge Four despite being free, Kaladin requests that Rind commission new Bridge Four glyph patches for the uniforms.
*The men of [[Bridge Four]] continue to identify as Bridge Four with pride
{{anchor|Chapter 3}}
:''Tanatabach 1173''
Shallan sits in her cabin on the Wind's Pleasure reading a book written by Jasnah about [[Vorinism]] and the [[Recreance]] and its effect on the documentation of history, such as the existence of Shadesmar. While studying, Pattern shows up again, this time on the cabin wall, vanishing when she looks directly at it. Shallan notes the similarity between Pattern and the symbol headed creatures she had seen previously. She immediately attempts to sketch the pattern, drawing many creationspren, though she found it difficult to capture the precise pattern. When finished, the pattern seems to leave the paper and move to the floor. Jasnah comes to Shallan's room just as Shallan leaves to find her. Shallan catches a glimpse of what Jasnah explains to her is her own spren, just as she tells Shallan that the pattern is Shallan's spren, a Cryptic. Jasnah explains about the [[Knights Radiant]] and the Orders, explaining that their Soulcasting is a shared surge, but that their Orders are not the same, judging by their different spren. A lengthy discussion of the nature of spren and Jasnah's opinions of the [[Almighty]] and the [[Herald]]s follows.
*Shallan's spren is a [[Cryptic]]
{{anchor|Chapter 4}}
:''Tanatakes 1173''
Dalinar is experiencing another vision. He describes how he is running through what he believes to be the [[Purelake]] along with about a dozen armed and armored men, though he notes that they are clad in ancient leather armor. At first he is unsure if they are running away from something or toward something, until he notices a Fortress apparently made completely out of onyx. His group meets up with another one lead by a [[Knights Radiant|Knight Radiant]] in deep red glowing [[Shardplate|Plate]]. Dalinar thus determines that this vision takes place before the [[Recreance]]. The Radiant informs them that [[Caeb]] thought he saw something and tells them to look around. When one of the men hears Dalinar mumbling to himself, as he describes what is happening, he tells Dalinar to look for a [[spren]] that isn't behaving the way it should because spren that were touched by [[Sja-anat]] are different. Dalinar repeats the words quietly, hoping that [[Navani]] will record them, when he notices that the female Knight is talking to apparently nobody. As he looks around he sees a face of shadow with red eyes in the water. When he points this out to the others, the Knight, after noting that this is Sja-anat's spy, sends Caeb to the checkpoint and tells the others to keep watching for the carrier. Dalinar chases after the spren while describing it, when it is suddenly joined by a six-foot-tall spren. As the second one dives into the rock, Dalinar stumbles back. He gets pulled back further by one of the men as the ground starts to tremble. Dalinar watches as the spren, having somehow apparently animated the rock, starts to climb out of the rock with its new rock body. The soldiers, recognizing it as a [[Thunderclast]], start yelling for Hammers.
*In Dalinar's vision, the Knight Radiant seems to have a conversation with a person that is not present. This could have been the Knight talking with her bondspren, or it could indicate that the [[Knights Radiant]] had a means of telecommunication.
*The vision shows how [[Thunderclast]]s were created.
*The first countdown appears (62 days).
{{anchor|Chapter 5}}
Meanwhile, Torol Sadeas sits in front of an elaborate stone table with [[Oathbringer (Shardblade)|Oathbringer]] stuck through it. He thinks about how often he had lusted after the weapon, but now possessing it feels hollow. His wife [[Ialai Sadeas|Ialai]] enters the room, and mentions that she has used Dalinar's heavy recruitment drive to place more spies in his war camp. They talk about how the other highprinces hate the proclamation, and plan to fan the flames of discontent. Torol wants conquest. He plans to let Dalinar alienate the other highprinces and fracture the kingdom, at which point he will "forge a new Alethkar from flame and tears".
*Elhokar has what may be the corpse of a [[Larkin]] inside a crystal paperweight in the conference room.
{{anchor|Chapter 6}}
She is awoken by screams, shouts, and smoke.
*This is the first time we see Pattern talk, and the first time we see his three-dimensional form.
*The titular Words of Radiance is seen here.
{{anchor|Chapter 7}}
Shallan believes the world is ending and it is her fault. As her father tries getting her to sleep he wipes some blood from her face and starts singing a lullaby. Shallan thinks herself to be a monster that kills and thus unworthy of the love and affection her father is giving her. In the room are two corpses, one a man who bled and one a woman in white - Shallan's mother - who lies face-down, hiding her "horrible eyes." As Shallan and her father pass his safe in the wall, Shallan can see the light from the "monster" inside of it. After the song ends her father leaves the bedroom closing the door on the corpses.
{{quote|Now go to sleep in chasms deep with darkness all around you<br />
Though rock and dread may be your bed, so sleep my baby dear.<br />
Now comes the storm, but you'll be warm, the wind will rock your basket.<br />
The crystals fine will glow sublime, so sleep my baby dear.<br />
And with a song, it won't be long, you'll sleep my baby dear.<br />
|The lullaby Lin sings to Shallan
{{anchor|Chapter 11}}
She crawls across the newly enclosed wagon - her feet are injured and standing on them is painful enough to make [[Spren#Painspren|painspren]] appear - and opens the lid to Jasnah's trunk. Pattern, who had been instructed to stay hidden, waits inside. Shallan tells him that the notes need to reach the Shattered Plains, and that she intends to finish Jasnah's work of finding [[Urithiru]] and convincing the [[Alethi]] that the return of the [[Voidbringers]] is imminent. Pattern confirms that the threat from the Voidbringers is real and that they are the reason he was sent to her. As she continues to go through the contents of the trunk, Shallan finds a sketch she had done of Jasnah and is overcome with grief over her mentor's death, as well as the loss of the rest of her sketches. She also laments the loss of the broken [[Soulcasting#Soulcasting_by_the_use_of_a_fabrial|soulcaster]], which is at the bottom of the ocean, and speculates that the attackers could have been from the same group as [[Kabsal]] and [[Lin Davar|her father]] ([[Ghostbloods|The Ghostbloods]]).
*Pattern speaks briefly of his type of spren ([[Cryptic]]) and what drew them/him to Shallan: "Patterns...we...us...Worry. One was sent. Me." When Shallan asks "Why to me?", Pattern repies "Because of lies... You. Your Family... I know...little of humans. They break. Their minds break. You did not break. Only cracked... It is the lies that save you. The lies that drew me."
*Pattern also confirms that the Voidbringers are going to return: "Yes. Spren...spren of ''him''. They come."
{{Anchor|Chapter 14|}}
The door to the feast hall slams open, and a man walks in. The man is [[Redin]], bastard son of [[Valam|Highprince Valam]], and he has come to investigate rumors about Shallan's mother's death. Lin says that his wife was murdered by her lover, but Redin says that others tell a different story. They speak alone for a while, and Lin eventually slams his hand down on the table in anger. Calmly, Redin stands up and announces that any lighteyes of high birth can provide witness, and asks if any of the children will come with him to do so. Balat grabs the sides of his chair as if to stand, but seeing Lin's face stops and whispers that his father will kill him. Shamespren stir among the children, then Redin states that if any of them remember something they want to tell, they will find willing ears. After Redin leaves, Shallan's father shrinks down in his seat with his head in is hands.
*The chapter title, Heterochromatic, refers to [[Redin|Redin's]] eyes. One is intense blue, the other is dark brown. This is the first time we see such a character in the series.
{{anchor|Chapter 40}}
Sitting on a rock and trying to compose herself, the messenger in black starts talking with her. The man, unbeknownst to Shallan, is [[Wit]]. He tells her that the message sent by Helaran to her father is that he "has eyes nearby, and is watching." Wit then asks her if spren talk to her, which causes her to think about "twisted symbols the eye should not see" and "her mother's soul in a box". She tells him that of course they don't and that she should be returning to her father. Wit tells Shallan that Helaran was right, her father is destroying their family, but wrong about everything else. He points out that Wikim is engrossed in the math problems that she had given him. He asks her to tell him the most beautiful thing she can imagine, and she describes a scene with her family happily living in together. As she talks, Wit pulls out some spheres and wisps of Stormlight hang in the air between them. When she notices, she draws back and the light fades. Wit tells her that she will need to understand the nature of lies and see truth before she can expand upon it.
*At the meeting with Lin Davar, Wit dumps a pouch of powder into his own cup and drinks it. According to Brandon, Wit used [[Allomantic]] metals, probably [[Zinc]] or [[Brass]].
*Wit mentions the [[God Beyond]] in his parable.
*Wit tricks Shallan into Lightweaving to prove to himself that she is who he is looking for.
*Wit mentions that the "Shards here are very strict," refering to the [[Shard|Shards]] on [[Roshar]]. This is one of few instances when they have been mentioned directly in the books.
{{anchor|Chapter 46}}
While passing her father's door Shallan overhears him talking to [[Rin]], one of the house's new guards. Her father tells Rin to find Helaran, ambush him, and bring back his head. He offers Helaran's [[Shardblade]] as payment. Melise, having also apparently overheard this, is shocked that her husband would order the murder of his own son. A violent, angry argument breaks out, and Rin leaves.
*When Lin and Balat lock eyes at the mention of Helaran, Shallan "counted ten beats of her thumping heart" before Balat looks away. This brings to mind the summoning of a Shardblade, though it doesn't appear to be related.
{{anchor|Chapter 62}}
Shallan then returns to the house and goes to her father's sitting room. The guards stop her, but she holds her ground despite her fear, and they eventually let her pass. This is the first time she's entered this room in years, and she has to raise a hand to shade her eyes against the light coming from behind the painting. It is blinding to her and she wonders how anyone can stand it. Malise, curled up in a chair with her lip split and her arm broken, says that Lin will kill them all. Shallan starts treating the wounds, and tells her stepmother about the escape plan. As Shallan is about to leave, Malise asks her "If I go, and Balat with me, who will he hate? Who will he hit? Maybe you, finally? The one who actually deserves it?" Shallan just replies, "Maybe."
*In the beginning of the chapter we see Shallan reading one of [[Jasnah|Jasnah's]] books. It is about women in the modern world and the roles society tries to place them in.
{{anchor|Chapter 66}}
Lin's hands start shaking and the poker slips to the ground. Lin is surprised, and he stumbles and falls to his knees, then to his side. Shallan, feeling cold, tells Eylita to bind Balat's wounds, then kneels next to her father. Lin is motionless, staring at the ceiling. After her brothers' initial confusion, Shallan tells them that she poisoned their father by placing the blackbane in his wine. Jushu pulls a [[Soulcasting#Soulcasting_by_the_use_of_a_fabrial|soulcaster]] out Lin's pocket, which had apparently been broken while blocking Balat's last strike. Just then, their father starts twitching, and his eyes focus on Shallan. She realizes that the poison has only paralyzed him, and says that they need to finish the job. Everyone else shies away, so she thanks her father for everything he did for her, then wraps her necklace around his neck. She twists the necklace around the handle of a fork for leverage, crying and whispering the lullaby that he'd sung to comfort Shallan in her childhood as he dies.
*That Helaran was killed in battle in Alethkar is another piece of evidence indicating that he was the shardbearer killed by Kaladin in Way of Kings.
{{anchor|Chapter 74}}
Shallan rests in bed, accepting of Navani's unexpected affection. Pattern repeats a conversation that he was sent to spy on between Dalinar and Navani. Notably, Dalinar wants Shallan to go on the expedition but Navani trying to protect Shallan by having her stay behind. Shallan tells Pattern she has to go and asks if she is a Radiant, and he replies most likely not yet since she has more to do first, but he isn't sure since he hasn't always been sentient. Pattern tells of the Recreance, when most spren except the Stormfather and a few others were killed (caused by broken oaths). Pattern thinks that the chance to learn is worth the possible cost of dying again. Pattern says that Shallan spoke the Words, but she lacks truth. Adolin appears and embraces her in a hug and kiss. He says that he was visiting all the highprinces delivering an ultimatum to join Dalinar or be labeled as someone who refused to fulfill the Vengeance Pact. Shallan says she saw a dead chasm fiend that she wants to draw for him. Adolin apologizes for rescuing his father instead of her, and promises to protect her but she says that she doesn't need protecting and that she will never be 'something' to be locked away again, though she doesn't elaborate on when she was previously locked away. Dalinar and Navani enter, and Dalinar has a request, but Shallan
anticipates him and requests to go on the expedition despite the dangers since she thinks the ancient city that Jasnah was searching for is there. Dalinar asks her to expand on their map of the Shattered Plains and she says she will do so. Shallan also requests that they leave the parshmen behind since Jasnah felt they were dangerous, and Dalinar says that he will do so, and that they are leaving within the hour.
*The chapter's name, True Glory, may refer to the epigraph from chapter 64 of The Way of Kings. "They come from the pit, two dead men, a heart in their hands, and I know that I have seen true glory."