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===== The Expedition of the Wandersail =====
After the events of the Battle of Thaylen Field, Jasnah, as Queen of Alethkar, along with Dalinar, sent communications to various neutral nations in hopes of recruiting new allies for the coalition of nations. One such letter was sent to the Ral-Na, King of the Reshi Isles, inviting the Reshi people to Urithiru to discuss an alliance. As the war waged on Jasnah and Dalinar suspected the enemy would launch a ground based invasion on Jah Keved by sailing an invasion force east, through the Reshi Isles.{{Dawnshardbook ref|sa3.5|3}}
Jasnah had direct involvement in monitoring the expedition of the Wandersail to Akinah. Ardent Rushu was in communication with Jasnah to report sightings of unusual spren and reported a cluster of luckspren following the Wandersail after Cord sighted them. After a Santhid corpse was found by the crew of the Wandersail, and is subsequently exposed as a fake, Jasnah was contacted by Vstim on behalf of Rysn to ask about the legends of the Aimians. Jasnah recalled two theories on the nature of the Santhid that disintegrated into a pile of cremlings; the first being reports of Aimians being able to take off their arms and legs and reattach them; the second being an old story about creatures who were living heaps of cremlings. In the stories these creatures would hide and grow in the attics of buildings before devouring the occupants below. Jasnah originally overlooked these stories but due to the current events on Roshar at the time, cautioned Rysn against these types of creatures.{{Dawnshardbook ref|sa3.5|9}} When Rysn postulates that the santhid could have been the work of a Voidbringer Lightweaver, Jasnah chided herself for her own lapse in judgement, citing the newness of Lightweaving magic as the reason for overlooking it as a possibility. Jasnah drew the conclusion that if an enemy Lightweaver were attempting to stop the expedition, then the Voidbringers would be taking considerable lengths to prevent them from reaching Akinah, and the secrets there must be more important than first believed. {{Dawnshardbook ref|sa3.5|9}}