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m (→‎Shardplate: spelled out a number, added info, corrected Rira -> Iri)
He is impulsive, often having to be held back by Renarin or rebuked by his father.{{book ref|sa2|12}}{{book ref|sa1|15}} Sadeas even refers to him as a "firebrand".{{book ref|sa1|15}} This impulsiveness of his has led to him throwing Kaladin across the practice grounds while sparring,{{book ref|sa2|18}} accidentally allowing Relis Ruthar to set him up in a one-on-four duel{{book ref|sa2|53}} and contributed in some part to his snapping and murdering Sadeas.{{book ref|sa2|89}}
Adolin has a strong sense of right and wrong, instilled in him by his mother. {{wob ref|2102}} In his first encounter with Kaladin, he saves a prostitute from being beaten by one of Sadeas's officers.{{book ref|sa1|46}} He also throws himself in jail as a show of solidarity with Kaladin.{{book ref|sa2|66}}
He is shown to be very confident, charismatic and friendly, being on good terms with both [[lighteyes]] and [[darkeyes]].{{book ref|sa2|68}} While Adolin likes to be familiar with a large number of people, calling them friends and acquaintances, he prefers to not be close with any of them.{{book ref|sa1|58}} Before he marries [[Shallan Davar]], he's also infamous for his numerous, short-lived courtships.{{book ref|sa1|22}} Adolin admits to Kaladin that while he knows how to get women he is unsure of how to keep them.{{book ref|sa2|68}}