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== History ==
=== The Final Empire(c-r) ===
The Steel Ministry seems to developed out of the bureaucratic mercantile system of the [[Hallant]] people. They were a people focused on systems of measurements.{{epigraph ref|mb3|27}} The Lord Ruler usesused the Ministry in many ways, including discovering new Allomantic metals and their uses as well as searching for [[Terris]] bloodlines that are breedingbred pure.{{book ref|mb3|5}} They stocked the [[storage cache]]s beneath various Ministry buildings. The obligators arewere also the Lord Ruler's spy network throughout his Empire.{{book ref|mb2|part=ars}}
In the year 1022, the Ministry iswas presided over by Lord Prelan [[Tevidian]]. The Canton of Orthodoxy iswas the currently leading Canton, but after members of the Canton of Inquisition capture Vin and prove that she is the Lord Prelan's half-breed daughter, they gaingained control of the Ministry.{{book ref|mb1|36}}
=== Post-Collapse ===
After the Collapse of the Final Empire, the Steel Ministry remainsremained in various forms, depending on their local ruler.
==== The New Empire (complete--review)====
King [[Elend Venture]] usesused the Steel Ministry facilities as new government buildings. The Canton of Finance headquarters in Luthadel was converted into an assembly hall for the [[Assembly]]'s meetings. He remodeled the building so that civilians cancould come and watch Assembly proceedings.{{book ref|mb2|10}} Elend allowsallowed the obligators to continue their preaching, but there were laws that prohibited them from inciting rebellion or violence. The priests wouldn't lend their knowledge to his kingdom, as a general rule. and so Vin wantswanted to eject them from the city if they wonwouldn't assist the kingdom withuse their bureaucratic abilities to assist the kingdom.{{book ref|mb2|10}} Noorden iswas a notable exception among the obligators in his frequent assistance to Elend. Elend employed the obligator for many reasons, one being his unique viewpoint.{{book ref|mb2|34}}
==== Straff Venture's Lands ====
Prelan Aradan Yomen, an obligator himself, continued to run Fadrex City the way the Ministry and the Lord Ruler always had after he took control when [[Ashweather Cett|Lord Cett]] left for Luthadel. He used the Canton of Resource, his personal Canton, building as his headquarters for governing. He used another Ministry building as an infirmary.{{book ref|mb3|70}}
Yomen was the highest ranked obligator around and so, when Cett left, he took over. The people quickly accepted him as their new leaderruler because they were used to accepting obligators as leaders. His rule gave them a sense of normalcy as it echoed that of the Lord Ruler's.{{book ref|mb3|27}}
==== Urteau under the Citizen ====
The [[Citizen]] leavesleft the Ministry buildings aloneas they were, not burning or ransacking them as he doesdid with thosehomes of the nobility. He had the typically wooden buildings boarded up, possibly out of his fear of Inquisitors.{{book ref|mb3|29}}
=== Post-Catacendre ===
The Steel Ministry doesndidn't exist in its former state following [[Sazed]]'s Ascension. There arewere echoes of the organization left, but most of the Steel Ministry iswas gone because at that time, the leaders arewere the members of [[Kelsier]]'s crew. There were a few notable obligators who made it through the Catacendre and they left their own marks. Some cities havehad more of an influence from the Ministry than others.{{wob ref|221}}
There iswas a Canton of Cartography in Elendel.{{map ref|Elendel}} There iswas also a road named Canton Avenue in one of Allomancer [[Jak]]'s stories, likely based on a real street in Elendel.{{file ref|House Record broadsheet.jpg|''The House Record'' broadsheet}} "Cantonesque" architecture is described as having long flights of steps and stained-glass windows.{{book ref|bom|11}}
== Culture ==