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m (Added reference)
(added information from Shadows and Band, as well as information on properties and geneology)
Members include [[Jackstom Harms]], [[Steris]] and [[Marasi]].
Under Jackstom's care, House Harms had grown into a house with an excellent financial status, enough even to bolster the dire financial straits of one of the city's largest, most influential houses. Despite this, their name was unknown in the highest circles of Elendel society, a fact that caused much consternation for the house lord and his daughter Steris. Since there was no male heir, they proposed to remedy this situation by an alliance through marriage with [[Waxillium Ladrian]], lord of [[House Ladrian]], which was in financial trouble after years of supposed mismanagement by the former lord [[Edwarn Ladrian]].{{book ref|mb4|2}} The partnership of the two houses became official with the wedding of Waxillium and Steris in 342. {{book ref|mb6|31}}
In addition to their substantial wealth, the family also has lands in the [[Outer Estates]] and owns a mansion in Elendel which serves as the primary residence for Steris and Lord Harms.{{book ref|mb5|12}} Despite their lower status among the nobility both Steris and her father had a least high enough standing to be invited events such as the Yoman-Ostlin wedding dinner. The family has ancestral ties to the [[Spook|Lord Mistborn]], and as a result [[Allomancy]] runs strong in the family line. This fact made Steris and Marasi targets for the [[Vanishers]]. {{book ref|mb4|7}}
== Family Tree ==