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Apart from nowhere portals, nowhere can also be accessed by people called '''[[cytonics]]'''. Any species, including non-sapient once, is capable of developing cytonic abilities; how they first appear is undetermined, but once they do show up, they are passed down to the original cytonic's descendants. They allow for more than just peering into nowhere -- "cytonics" refers to a whole host of psychic powers.{{book ref|elysium}}{{book ref|sky2|1}}
Cytonic abilities include, among others, telepathy, mind swapping, illusions and teleportation. Most, if not all of them require that the cytonic connect themselves to nowhere. Teleportation in particular utilizes nowhere heavily, as the body of the cytonics, along with whatever else they're carrying, travels through nowhere to its destination. Though time appears to pass for the cytonic, to others, the jump happens instantly.{{book ref|sky1|53}}{{book ref|sky1|54}}