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Steris introduced early in Alloy of Law, when she makes a visit to the Ladrian mansion to discuss arranging an engagement between herself and Wax{{book ref|mb4|2}}. This was the first time Steris and Wax had met in person, although they had been exchanging letters regarding a house union for several months. Steris presented Wax with a “thorough” document of at least 20 pages that outlined each stage of their courtship and engagement, as well as the terms of their eventual marriage, an arrangement that Wax agreed to. In this scene Steris also met [[Wayne]], in the guise of Wax’s fictional Uncle Maskil.
Steris and Wax attended the [[Yomen]]-Ostlin wedding as a couple a few days after their first meeting, their first official appearance together{{book ref|mb4|4}}. As they entered the party, Steris educated Wax on how Elendel society revolved around gatherings like it, and how invitations were used almost as weapons. Steris also informed Wax that she would no longer respond negatively to his “ignorant frontiersman” act. Despite this statement, she did become frustrated with his coarse table talk and leave their group for a moment. As a result, she was in the bathroom when the [[Vanishers]] attacked the party. Steris and Marasi were the kidnapping targets of the attack{{book ref|mb4|5}}, and while Wax was able to rescue Marasi, SetrisSteris was ultimately taken{{book ref|mb4|6}}. Lord Harms was devastated at the loss of his only (legitimate) daughter, and offered to bankroll Wax’s efforts to recover her{{book ref|mb4|7}}. The next day, Wax coaxs Marasi into revealing that she and Steris are actually half-sisters, rather than cousins as they were first introduced.
Wax felt intensely guilty about failing to save Steris, and thus undertook an intense investigation into the Vanishers and their mysterious financial backers. As he finally confronted [[Miles Hundredlives]], the leader of the Vanishers, Wax discovered Steris hidden a room of Miles’s lair{{book ref|mb4|19}}. He rescued her from the room and used his [[Feruchemical]] and [[Allomantic]] powers to collapse the building, an event which Steris appeared to find exhilarating. He then had Steris run from the scene to fetch the constables. After the fight was over and Miles was arrested Steris was interviewed about her experience by the constabulary, then offered Wax her thanks for his rescue{{book ref|mb4|20}}. She informed him that she “remained pure” after her captivity, and suggested that the pair advance the timeline for their relationship that had been laid out in her contract, an advance that would be facilitated by his dramatic rescue. Steris also informed Wax that she would no longer complain at his hobby of rushing around the city fighting crime, because they could each accept the other for who they were. For the first time, Steris shows a small amount of affection for Wax.
===Shadows of Self===
Steris appears at the beginning of the novel on a cordial visit to Ladrian Mansion to do some wedding planning. Her main goal of the day is to decide who to invite to the wedding between her and Wax. Steris reveals that she has been reading the public records of Wax’s arrests in the Roughs in an effort to discover more about his life. They decide to invite [[Douglas Venture]] in an effort to control the chaos that Steris knows will inevitably appear at any major event in Wax’s life before Wax is ushered out the door by Wayne to chase down their latest prey, the [[Marksman]]. Before he leaves, Steris asks Wax to take care of Marasi.