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Shallan says that some of the series of plateaus are mirror images of others and Kaladin says that the Plains are symmetrical and that he knew that from a dream, and Shallan says she knows where the Parshendi are, and the Oathgate, and that she can map all of it since the Plains were not a natural forming pattern, but rather created through cymatics.
They follow a revised path based on Shallan's map, though they have to periodically check their route, slowing down their escape. TheyKaladin shoutoccasionally shouts up from the chasm to try to get the attention of Alethi scouts, but no one answers. Kaladin grows moody because he feels that he failed them, but Shallan tries to remain optimistic. Kaladin says he wished he could be like Shallan, but then Shallan describes how it is like to be depressed and hopeless and he understands that she wasn't always happy, but she somehow muddles through anyway, which inspires him. They banter again with Shallan trying to improve Kaladin's mood again like she used to do with her brothers, and he goes along with their jokes to an extent.
The chasmfiend shows up again, and they try to flee, hiding in a narrow fissure. The chasmfiend fails to reach them, but it then settles nearby to wait as the highstorm is rapidly approaching, with about two hours left before it reaches them. Kaladin decides to try to distract the chasmfiend to allow Shallan to escape back to the warcamps with her vital information. He prepares to fight to the death, and tells Shallan to apologize to Adolin on his behalf. Shallan says that before he goes to fight to take her shardblade.