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Tapping the enormously potent metalmind inside the spearhead, Wax burst through the confines of the temple and out into the open air, trailing mist in his wake. Able to sense and call upon what seemed to be endless trace metals in the surrounding area, Wax knew that he could crush Edwarn and Telsin’s fleeing ship with little effort. Bringing himself under control, Wax confronted his uncle for the final time, choosing to subdue him without the use of the spearhead’s dangerous power.{{book ref|mb6|29}}
Wax finally returned to Elendel, where he gave over the spearhead into the hands of the Kandra. No longer willing to put it off and ready to move on with his life, Wax convinced Steris to marry him in a quiet ceremony, highlighted by their newly blossoming love for each other.{{book ref|mb6|31}}
Wax and his group take the [[Southern Scadrian|southerner's]]'s ship back to Elendel where he hands over the Band of Mourning to Kandra for safe keeping. Wax then asks Steris to marry him. {{book ref|mb6|31}} While on his honeymoon with Steris, Wax is woken up by an explosion and sees the coin that was given to him at the party, recognizing the structure of the coin Wax taps the investiture in the coin and then taps the coppermind, showing him a memory.{{book ref|mb6|epilogue}}
On their honeymoon, Wax was suddenly awakened by the sound of an explosion in the distance. Wandering their suite, Wax found himself absently handling the dual metal coin that the beggar had given him, before the party in New Seran. Looking closely at the coin for what seemed like the first time, Wax hesitantly tested tapping it like a metalmind, which sprang to life a copper-stored memory, seemingly belonging to the mysterious [[Sovereign]].{{book ref|mb6|epilogue}}
== Attributes and Abilities ==