Gancho Libre

Joined 7 February 2018
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m (fixing up my page)
(adding theories)
Almost nothing is known about him. It is said that he may or may not like most Brandon Sanderson books.
==Eating Habits==
Gancho Libre constantly loses his marbles, and when he finds them, he sorts them out into color-coded groups and eats only the blue ones.
Nobody has ever been in Gancho Libre's house long enough to count the number of books he has. There could be next to none, or there could be the entire Brandon Sanderson collection, or somewhere in between.
==Coppermind Additions==
Gancho Libre generally works with theories or speculation, maybe because he doesn't actually read any of the books, and just looks at the summaries.
==Talking Habits==
It is said that Gancho Libre likes to refer to himself in the third person. That theory has not been proved
Gancho Libre likes waffles and has a strong opinion of why they are better than pancakes.
