Difference between revisions of "Summary:The Dark Talent"

== Chapter Lilly ==
The chapter begins with a "fairy tale", which is actually a summary of Alcatraz's life, with an added happy ending, which Alcatraz claims to be a lie.
Kaz, Alcatraz, and Grandpa discuss how best to infiltrate the [[Highbrary]], suggesting economic sanctions and political propaganda as the first steps in a seventeen step plan. However, following an explosion, they instead decide to steal a ship and go in with guns blazing. They leave the room they were in and run into Queen Kamali, the new Mokian queen. She informs them that Alcatraz's speech from the last chapter was broadcasted on every piece of glass in the city, and that it caused resumed Librarian missile strikes on [[Tuki_Tuki | Tuki Tuki]]. Kamali tells them that she is ordering everyone into the shelters, and the three Smedrys refuse to join her.
Instead, they run through the city to find a ship to "steal". They select a giant glass penguin, but then Alcatraz remembers that they need to find his [[Shasta_Smedry | mother]]. Alcatraz and Kaz take off through the city to retrieve her from her makeshift jail in the zoo, dodging missiles and discussing whether or not Alcatraz will be able to bring the Talents back. They finally arrive at the zoo, only to discover that the missiles had destroyed the wall and Alcatraz's mother is free.
== Chapter Norton ==
