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===War of Reckoning===
;Chasmfiend Hunt;:
Adolin accompanied King [[Elhokar]] and Highprinces Dalinar, Sadeas and [[Vamah]], along with his brother [[Renarin]]. Adolin worried about his father's mind and Sadeas's scheming over the trip. He rode up with the King, Dalinar and Sadeas, intending to keep an eye on Sadeas. When Elhokar and Dalinar raced to a rock formation, Adolin took control of his father's army. He prepared the troops in the way he knew his father would want it done, rather than just doing what was easy. During this time, Renarin teases Adolin over his failing courtships with Rilla and [[Janala]]. When Dalinar mentions wanting to withdraw from the [[Shattered Plains]] Adolin fiercely urges his father to reconsider. At this time, [[Wit]] rode up and started insulting the Kholins. While Adolin took it in stride, mentioning how much he loved the new Wit. As they reach the final plateau, they meet up with the huntmaster Bashin, who tells them it should take about two to three hours for the chasmfiend to arrive. While he gave advice to Dalinar and Elhokar on how best to slay the beast, Dalinar noted that the chull was no longer dragging any bait.